On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Tomas Frydrych
<tf+lists.yo...@r-finger.com> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> On 15/05/13 10:49, Paul Eggleton wrote:
>>> It prevents efficiently supporting clutter on any real machine that does
>>> not use mesa's GL, which means all machines not in meta-intel, and some
>>> machines in meta-intel. This is the main issue, real HW support.
>> How does it prevent that? Surely if machine-specific changes are required 
>> then
>> they will be required on top of a separate layer as much as they are if the
>> recipes remain in OE-Core.
> It could be all pulled together into the meta-clutter layer, the
> supported BSPs and machines documented, etc, so that common machines
> just work out of the box. We could have a dedicated mailing list, a bug
> tracker, build a community around it, pull resources.


>> The layer mechanism exists to allow specific
>> recipes to be extended if needed. Having the recipes in OE-Core does not
>> preclude their extension or replacement with newer versions elsewhere for
>> those that need it.
> I have followed the model you advocate for over a year with clutter, and
> it is a PITA, so I am thinking that perhaps there are others who are
> doing the same and we could do it in one well known place.


>> You may well be right about the need to test on other GL implementations.
>> That does not explain how moving them to a separate layer directly helps to 
>> address
>> that need. You must also expect to make some changes to the recipes
>> themselves, so what changes would you be making?
> It's not just about testing, you have to build it first: I would like to
> see a set of recipes that can support a whole bunch of machines in the
> public OE BSP layers out of the box: configs that work and make sense,
> patches where needed, documentation, including documentation of BSP
> specific issues.
> In the absence of a community-owned meta-clutter layer, if anyone is
> stuck maintaining their own clutter recipes, I have a set at
> https://github.com/Guacamayo/meta-clutter which can perhaps be of some use.


I share same feeling of Tomas and I agree that a new layer is the way
to go. Having it in a specific layer will allow for more shared work
and easy a community creation around it.

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
E-mail: ota...@ossystems.com.br  http://www.ossystems.com.br
Mobile: +55 53 9981-7854              http://projetos.ossystems.com.br

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