On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 14:56 +0800, Jesse Zhang wrote:
> We've accumulated quite a few perl modules and would like to contribute
> some/all of them to oe-core. But I think we'd better ask how everyone
> thinks before doing so, since the number of the modules are pretty
> large, and the policy may as well apply to python/ruby packages.
> Most of the modules are simple cpan recipes. They are easy to maintain,
> but do consume *some* manpower.
> I think there are a few alternatives.
> 1. decide on each module on a case-by-case basis.
> 2. keep all of them in some special layer other than oe-core.
> 3. everyone maintain what they need in-house.
> None of them seems perfect. Is there already some policy?

I think the best approach would be to put these into meta-openembedded,
at least at first and then we can think about whether we want to move
any into OE-Core. I don't think we would want to take everything.



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