Hi Paul,
28.08.2013 19:41, Paul Eggleton wrote:
Hi Mikhail,
On Tuesday 27 August 2013 17:36:03 Mikhail Durnev wrote:
I have a question about your commit c331f0a:
diff --git a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
index 4d2392e..fb18022 100644
--- a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
@@ -907,6 +907,11 @@ python () {
if d.getVar('do_stage', True) is not None:
bb.fatal("Legacy staging found for %s as it has a do_stage
function. This will need conversion to a do_install or often simply
removal to work with OE-core" % d.getVar("FILE", True))
+ overrides = d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True).split(':')
+ pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+ if pn in overrides:
+ bb.warn('Recipe %s has PN of "%s" which is in OVERRIDES, this
can result in unexpected behaviour.' % (d.getVar("FILE", True), pn))
issues = []
if (d.getVar('PACKAGES', True) or "").split():
'pkg_postinst', 'pkg_prerm', 'pkg_postrm', 'ALLOW_EMPTY':
A recipe (lets say linux_git.bb) has its PN in OVERRIDES with prefix
'pn-' (pn-linux). So, if we have 'linux' in OVERRIDES then it cannot
Unfortunately that is not the case. If PN is "linux" and TARGET_OS is "linux"
(note, for ARM machines only TARGET_OS may be "linux-gnueabi" rather than
"linux") then statements such as this:
FILES_${PN} = "/path/to/file"
will immediately become:
FILES = "/path/to/file"
Which itself will trigger a warning about FILES not being package specific.
Without an explicit check on PN being in OVERRIDES it's not immediately
obvious what has happened.
Additionally consider the following case in local.conf:
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux = "3.8.10"
This will turn into PREFERRED_VERSION = "3.8.10" and then you'll get a bunch
of spewed notices about version "3.8.10" being unavailable for every recipe in
the system that you're building.
PN in OVERRIDES is bad news, which is why we added this warning. You really do
need to name your recipes so that they don't clash with items in OVERRIDES.
Thank you for clarification. I build x86. My TARGET_OS, kernel recipe
name and kernel PN is "linux". Fortunately, kernel.bbclass uses PN only
once in:
FILES_${PN} = ""
For "linux" the problem is masked by usage of "virtual/kernel" in
conditions. So I see only your warning about PN in OVERRIDES and no
other warnings or problems. But I definitely should consider about
changing PN.
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