On 29.01.2014 12:52, Paul Eggleton wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 January 2014 12:47:54 Steffen Sledz wrote:
>> On 29.01.2014 11:59, Richard Purdie wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2014-01-29 at 11:14 +0100, Steffen Sledz wrote:
>>>> On 27.01.2014 15:39, Richard Purdie wrote:
>>>>> Its rather sad that people don't appear to read local.conf and then
>>>>> complain about slow builds when they're just using a single thread.
>>>>> Most systems have more than one core now so we might as well use a more
>>>>> automatic default for these values. This may lead to better experiences
>>>>> for new users.
>>>>> [YOCTO #2528]
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> diff --git a/meta/conf/local.conf.sample b/meta/conf/local.conf.sample
>>>>> index 71856b8..36d33e1 100644
>>>>> --- a/meta/conf/local.conf.sample
>>>>> +++ b/meta/conf/local.conf.sample
>>>>> @@ -18,12 +18,18 @@
>>>>>  # option determines how many tasks bitbake should run in parallel:
>>>>>  #
>>>>>  #BB_NUMBER_THREADS ?= "4"
>>>>> +#
>>>>> +# Default to setting automatically based on cpu count
>>>>> +BB_NUMBER_THREADS ?= "${@oe.utils.cpu_count()}"
>>>>>  #
>>>>>  # The second option controls how many processes make should run in
>>>>>  parallel when # running compile tasks:
>>>>>  #
>>>>>  #PARALLEL_MAKE ?= "-j 4"
>>>>>  #
>>>>> +# Default to setting automatically based on cpu count
>>>>> +PARALLEL_MAKE ?= "-j ${@oe.utils.cpu_count()}"
>>>>> +#
>>>>>  # For a quad-core machine, BB_NUMBER_THREADS = "4", PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j
>>>>>  4" would # be appropriate for example.
>>>> On our Fedora-18 build host this change leads to the following exception.
>>>> :(> 
>>> Do you have:
>>> http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/commit/?id=721773072da08cf0f5e12
>>> 06961ada3083b6722b4
>> No.
>> But now it becomes really interesting. As mentioned before it works well on
>> our openSUSE-13.1 build host (without this commit)???
> Are you sure you're not overriding BB_NUMBER_THREADS / PARALLEL_MAKE on the 
> machine where it's "working"? You can use bitbake -e | less (variable 
> history) 
> to be sure.

Yes, this was a good hint.

Sorry for disturbance.

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