I am on poky/dylan and I am using the PR service for the first time.  At this 
time I am making some cosmetic .bbappend recipe changes (reordering and spacing 
with no affect on the final built package).  Of course, after rebuilding the 
recipe the PR service bumped the PR since it saw a change in the metadata.  I 
don't want this package PR to change at this time; the package would "upgrade" 
on the next release even though the contents are identical.  I would like to 
revert the PR for this package but I am having difficulty.

I had not previously used the PR service, so the old package name was 
foo_1.0.0-r0_arm926ejste.ipk.  After being rebuilt, the new package name was 
foo_1.0.0-r0.0_arm926ejste.ipk (added the .0).  I tried to revert the PR for 
this package as follows:
1. Export the current PR service data by calling "bitbake-prserv-tool export 
2. Moved the file cache/prserv.sqlite3 to effectively delete the PR Service 
3. Opened prserv_export.inc and removed the two lines related to package foo.
4. Cleaned package foo by calling "bitbake -c clean foo"
5. Imported the PR service data by calling "bitbake-prserv-tool import 
6. Rebuilt package foo by calling "bitbake foo"

After step 6, the resulting package name was still 
foo_1.0.0-r0.0_arm926ejste.ipk.  Is there a step I'm missing in reverting the 
PR value?

On another note, I discovered that to import the prserv data the filename needs 
to end with .inc, otherwise you get an error stating that Bitbake does not know 
what to do with the file.  Or more specifically, the file to be imported at 
least can't be a .txt extension.  If there is a specific file extension needed 
for import, I'd suggest the info be included on the PR Service wiki.


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