On 02/12/2015 18:04, "Martin Jansa" <martin.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>>My only concern is about migrating current database, do you know if the
>>>>migration will keep the database
>>I don't know, but I can find out.

I've been told that database migration will work from the version of
Patchwork OE is currently using to the version of Patchwork being used by

>>>>including bundles

Yes, including bundles :)

>>If we remove the bundles, then I guess the migration might not keep the
>OK, then can we please postpone this upgrade (or run both patchworks in
>parallel) until these 2 features are implemented and working?
>I'm depending on bundles heavily, to "mark" the patches for layers with
>dedicated maintainer and also for extra "status" like merged in
>"master-next" branch for jenkins build, because standard status values
>aren't fine-grained enough.

Fair enough. Maybe we should consider keeping bundles then.



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