On 12/11/2015 05:23 PM, Nathan Lynch wrote:
> On 12/07/2015 03:26 PM, Aníbal Limón wrote:
>> The new ptest-runner supports timeout of upstream tests executed,
>> it looks for stdout of process and if no information is available
>> in certain time (defaults to 5m) the process is treaty as blocked
>> and ptest-runner kills it, this handles problems of ptest-runner
>> being blocked indefinitly for upstream test suites.
> Having the option to specify a timeout is obviously useful, but please
> add the ability to wait indefinitely, and consider making this the
> default behavior.  The appropriate value for a timeout, if any, will
> always be a function of the particular circumstances of the test run.
> An indefinite wait at least gives one the opportunity to investigate a
> misbehaving test without racing the test harness.

I'll add the ability to wait indefinitely adding a -1 to timeout option
but for default i think is better to wait certain time by default
because when ptest-runner is used in automatically manner
(i.e.testimage) this cause the block indefinitely.

> The change description says the default is five minutes, but this is not
> five minutes :-)

Thanks for notice it, it was a mistake :).

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