On 2016-02-12 12:03, Gary Thomas wrote:
On 2016-02-12 11:49, Burton, Ross wrote:
On 12 February 2016 at 03:58, Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com
<mailto:g...@mlbassoc.com>> wrote:
Improve the packaging of the libraries built by this recipe. These
are created using special code in the recipe and the debug (-dbg)
packages were not being created. Adding these packages allow the
libraries in question to be debugged using GDB.
oe-pkgdata-utils says:
So I'm not sure why this would be needed.
I'll check again, maybe it's as simple as ffmpeg-dbg wasn't
brought in as an automatic dependency of mplayer2-dbg although
a bunch of others were.
That's definitely it. When I install mplayer2-dbg which was has
ffmpeg in DEPENDS, the library debug info was not found and ffmpeg-dbg
was not installed:
# opkg install mplayer2-dbg
Installing mplayer2-dbg (2.0+gitr0+2c378c71a4-r13.1) on root.
mplayer2-dbg: unsatisfied recommendation for libavformat-dbg
mplayer2-dbg: unsatisfied recommendation for libavutil-dbg
mplayer2-dbg: unsatisfied recommendation for libfaad-dbg
mplayer2-dbg: unsatisfied recommendation for libasound-dbg
mplayer2-dbg: unsatisfied recommendation for libavcodec-dbg
mplayer2-dbg: unsatisfied recommendation for libswresample-dbg
mplayer2-dbg: unsatisfied recommendation for libpostproc-dbg
mplayer2-dbg: unsatisfied recommendation for ncurses-libtinfo-dbg
mplayer2-dbg: unsatisfied recommendation for libswscale-dbg
So, how should this have worked, or is it a little broken?
Gary Thomas | Consulting for the
MLB Associates | Embedded world
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