On 09-08-16 14:53, Dvorkin Dmitry wrote:
> Dear OE-developers!
> I'm building an image and SDK for my device without any problem. But I'd like
> to build some extra packages during the time I'm building my image or SDK, but
> I don't want to install this group of packages. Just keep them in /deploy/rpm/
> or /deploy/ipk, available for installation by the package manager. Also I'd
> like to automatically rebuild them if some dependencies are changed.
> How to do it correctly using bitbake/yocto/oe?

Add the recipe to the dependencies of the image recipe:

DEPENDS += "package-that-i-want-built-but-not-installed another-package"

> How to create group of packages and rebuild them if something is changed, but
> do not install into SDK or image.

Create a recipe that DEPENDS on the group, and add that recipe to your DEPENDS
as above.


Kind regards,


Mike Looijmans

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