On Tue, 25 Oct 2016, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, Christopher Larson wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Robert P. J. Day <rpj...@crashcourse.ca> 
> > wrote:
> >         i've just been handed a list of about 200 perl packages by their
> >       centos rpm names, and i want to map most, if not all, of them to their
> >       equivalent OE package names.
> >
> >        my first instinct (based on not having used a lot of perl OE
> >       packages) is to add both "perl" and "perl-modules" to IMAGE_INSTALL,
> >       just to fetch and build every possible module available through the OE
> >       perl recipe -- that will at least give me an idea of what's available.
> >
> >         next, i can see the pattern in some OE package names -- i've
> >       verified that the Time::HiRes package is available in OE as
> >       perl-module-time-hires, which i assume is part of the dynamic naming
> >       being done in perl_5.22.1.bb.
> >
> >        am i approaching this the right way?
> >
> >
> > Could also bitbake perl, then use oe-pkgdata-util to locate the
> > actual perl modules in the packages, i.e. */Time/HiRes.pm.
>   i once wrote a wiki page on "bb", distinguishing between queries
> you could make before you did a build, versus queries that needed a
> build. it seems like oe-pkgdata-util needs a completed build for
> pretty much everything, do i have that right?

  never mind, i just read this snippet from the YP ref manual:

"You can use the oe-pkgdata-util command-line utility to query
PKGDATA_DIR and display various package-related information. When you
use the utility, you must use it to view information on packages that
have already been built."

so i'm assuming that means for *all* oe-pkgdata subcommands, no



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
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