On 8 February 2017 at 05:31, Hongxu Jia <hongxu....@windriver.com> wrote:

> The hurd_path.patch is cherry picked from debian which does
> not has "Upstream-Status: <status>" and "Signed-off-by", so I
> think we could ignore this warning.
> Here is the upstream source of debian patch:
> http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/e/elfutils/elfutil
> s_0.168-0.2.debian.tar.xz
> You may suggest to add it to SRC_URI rather than picking up manually,
> but debian frequently upgrades miner version "-0.2", and which does not
> sync up with upstream elfutils, that's why I manually cherry pick.

I still think the patches need SoB/US tags.

The bash patch I can grab from the git branch, patches with "interesting"
encodings don't always work over email.

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