On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 2:58 PM, Mike Looijmans <mike.looijm...@topic.nl> wrote:
> I was wondering if there were better ways than handcrafting shell scripts to
> do this on a headless embedded board?
> If I put wpa-conf into /etc/network/interfaces it works, but blocks booting
> for a long time if the wifi isn't there.
> I've been using ifplugd combined with wired ethernet, and this also works
> fine with wireless. Once wpa-supplicant connects to an access point, the
> link reports up and DCHP can start.
> Starting wpa_supplicant from the commandline runs fine:
> /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -B -P /var/run/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.pid -i wlan0 -c
> /etc/wpa_topic.conf -D
> However, putting this line into a startup script (/etc/rc5.d/...) hangs. It
> doesn't matter whether I start early or late, the wpa_supplicant just hangs
> and waits and doesn't fork into daemon mode like it should. Tried setting
> PATH and redirecting input, invoking through start-stop-daemon, but that
> didn't help.
> Appending an ampersand to the command makes the boot continue, but
> wpa_supplicant doesn't work, it won't connect to the access point.

my 2 cents..

after going back and forth for some time, I am now always using
network-manager.. it has very handy command line utilities (nmcli and
nmtui) and is well integrated with systemd. that happens to work well
for me.

i want to believe that connman can do the same thing, but i have never
tried it much..
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