On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:14:14AM +0200, David MOUSSAUD wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use an external toolchain with OE.
> So I've build one using the recipe meta-toolchain.bb with an angstrom
> distribution. I'm on the org.openembedded.dev branch (updated
> recently).
> I've extracted the 2 tar.gz provided in my root directory. So I have a
> nice /usr/local/angstrom layout with my pre-built toochain.
> Then I have changed my distro.conf file setting that 2 parameter:
> # Set the toolchain type (internal, external) and brand (generic, csl etc.)
> TOOLCHAIN_TYPE ?= "external"
> TOOLCHAIN_BRAND ?= "generic"
> I've cleaned my build/tmp directory.
> Finally I've tried to build a minimalist image. Everything goes fine,
> the toolchain is found by OE but it fails when it tries to create the
> filesystem.
> Here is the following log file : http://pastebin.com/YZmuzmtx
> I can not understand what to do to tell OE how it could find the glibc !?
> Thanks in advance for your tips and suggestions,

You are missing the IPKs from the second -extras.tar.gz file, which should go 
into /usr/local/angstrom/ipk and get copied to the deploy directory by 
external toolchain recipe. Check that you extracted it properly or that the 
-extras.tar.gz tarball actually contain those IPKs...


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