I've been working on some recent problems that popped up in the SlugOS
feeds; one that appeared recently is that asterisk no longer builds;
configure complains about -ltermcap, and investigation shows that
indeed, libtermcap is missing.  It seems that the new ncurses recipe
(5.7) no longer builds it for some reason.  I think the same problem is
the root cause for the failure of js to build as well.

So I guess the first question is if this is intentional or not?  If it
is, then I guess I'll modify the asterisk recipe to remove the
dependency and submit that patch.  Otherwise, well, I guess I could
attempt to debug and fix the ncurses recipe, but it looks a bit, um,
"non-trivial" so any advice would be appreciated.

Or should I just pin ncurses to the old 5.4 version that worked?


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