Maybe silly, maybe not. It takes just about as much time to learn a
library's internals as it does to write one.

Case and point: python-inotify.

If you google around for "python-inotify" you get the mainstream module that
Ubuntu and the rest of the Linux crowd are using.
This version of the same name has a different API, is a different package.

That's a bit confusing, don't you think?

In this particular case, it may be better to use one of the mainstream
inotify modules.
I can't even tell if this one is being actively maintained (though, like I
said, I e-mailed the author to find out).

That all said, I'm not a python developer, I don't want to figure it out. I
just want something to use.

AJ ONeal

On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Philip Balister <>wrote:

> On 12/19/2010 05:18 PM, AJ ONeal wrote:
>> python-inotify, (bearing no relation to pyinotify or python-inotifyx, btw)
>> is broken.
>> it compiles, but it doesn't work.
>> Can someone else confirm?
>> test case:
>> After a few events it just freezes.
>> I've also informed the author.
>> Generally speaking, is there much point in leaving a library in OE that
>> gives false
>> hope and then shatters dreams and crushes aspirations?
> Now you know it is broken, you should fix. Better for people to have a
> place to start and not reinvent the wheel.
> Deleting something just because it does not work is silly. Better to figure
> out why and fix it.
> Philip
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