OE-TSC meeting 4 August, 2011

Note: There was no meeting on July 28 due to a lack of quorum

Attendees: Richard, Khem, Tom, Mark
Apologies: Koen
Note: Jefro


01) choose a meeting chair


02) new topics

a. request for post 1.1 focus areas for yocto

03) action items from last week

--> write up which scripts to use (khem)

05) Status updates

multilib is painful, but getting there

      - elections
quiet period

      - oe-core
--> RP to issue an RFC on fray's multilib stuff
      - bsp guidelines

  - "normal" linux recipe in oe-core that people can bbappend

     - metadata layer splitting

     - infrastructure

Raw Transcript:

(1:21:46 PM) RP__: Ok, so meeting wise is there much the TSC needs to
(1:21:57 PM) fray: I don't have any thing specific right now
(1:22:22 PM) Tartarus: just general status I guess
(1:22:24 PM) RP__: multilib has been a pain but I think we're getting there
with it now
(1:22:53 PM) Jefro: do we want a formal meeting, or just to catch up with
status? there were a few action items from last meeting (2 weeks ago)
(1:23:06 PM) RP__: stablility hasn't been good, again, I think we're hunting
down the regressions. The system wide ones should be fixed, there are odd
issues remaining build wise
(1:23:18 PM) RP__: Jefro: We could recap the action items?
(1:23:30 PM) Jefro: yes, coming up in just a sec
(1:23:52 PM) Tartarus: RP__: where do we stand with more build resources?
(1:23:56 PM) Tartarus: still "soon" ?
(1:24:04 PM) RP__: (beagleboard is broken on rpm as the long list of package
architectures broken rpm, there is an odd rpm locking issue floating around
and a qemuarm perl one)
(1:24:22 PM) RP__: Tartarus: The delivery of LF machines is cut down to the
OE ones
(1:24:23 PM) fray: RP__ I sent a patch for beagleboard earlier.. I think
it's being validated
(1:24:45 PM) Tartarus: RP__: didn't quite parse that, again please?
(1:24:46 PM) RP__: Tartarus: Intel has managed to get some more autobuilder
resources which are coming online piece by piece
(1:24:51 PM) fray: (sent a patch to Saul to look into that is)
(1:24:55 PM) Tartarus: RP__: ok, good
(1:25:03 PM) RP__: Tartarus: I'd said the LF was going to get us some
machines, that won't happen
(1:25:10 PM) ***Tartarus has the Mentor stuff setup and handed off to
others, we'll see how it goes
(1:25:12 PM) RP__: Only the ones promised to OE will
(1:25:14 PM) Jefro: http://pastebin.com/qbPGBBKK
(1:25:31 PM) khem: RP__: are those also the oe machines that LF was to
provide ?
(1:25:33 PM) RP__: fray: thanks
(1:25:35 PM) ***Jefro notes, that link is for agenda
(1:25:46 PM) khem: oh OE will ok
(1:26:01 PM) khem: RP__: any idea timewise when that will happen
(1:26:22 PM) RP__: khem: Tom King and Mike Wooster are discussing
(1:26:26 PM) khem: ok
(1:27:32 PM) khem: I have managed to run core-image-sato builds for all
qemus within 24 hrs
(1:27:44 PM) khem: something we would want for daily testing
(1:29:46 PM) RP__: ok, do we want to work through the agenda?
(1:29:51 PM) RP__: I can chair
(1:29:55 PM) ***Jefro notes RP is chair
(1:29:56 PM) RP__: Any additional topics?
(1:30:10 PM) ***RP__ notes the request for post 1.1 focus areas for yocto
(1:30:42 PM) RP__: khem: any update on item 3 (write up which scripts to
(1:30:42 PM) ***Jefro notes for minutes
(1:31:07 PM) RP__: elections, I think we're ok there right now
(1:31:22 PM) RP__: OE-Core, multilib has moved forwards so we can consider
that done
(1:31:35 PM) RP__: So its really down to other status updates :)
(1:31:46 PM) ***RP__ aims for the record for the official meeting
(1:32:04 PM) RP__: others can jump in... :)
(1:32:30 PM) fray: only other thing I can think of is that I still intend to
work on the ARM arch.. but havn't had time due to "life"
(1:32:40 PM) fray: in short the changes are minor compared to what is
(1:33:15 PM) RP__: I agree there are some tweaks still needed in places
(1:33:35 PM) fray: key is I think the big overhaul work is done at this
(1:33:38 PM) RP__: I really want to get builds working again and then start
resolving those issues
(1:33:54 PM) RP__: Also note that we're going to make a big effort to clean
up the various open bugs
(1:34:03 PM) RP__: We've too many of them atm
(1:34:25 PM) khem: someone was here ..
(1:34:31 PM) khem: yes my AR is done
(1:34:44 PM) khem: Paul E replied with the querries
(1:34:51 PM) khem: that were raised
(1:36:03 PM) RP__: SO unless anyone has anything else they want to
add/ask/comment on, I think we're done

Jeff Osier-Mixon http://jefro.net/blog
Yocto Project Community Manager @Intel http://yoctoproject.org
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