On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:05, Koen Kooi <k...@dominion.thruhere.net> wrote:

> * 'udevadm' moved to ${PN} avoiding the need for the udev-utils package to
> be installed, so 'udev' has all the needed programs by itself.


I have some images that use mdev and I use udevadm to tigger events so
please allow for this flexibility.

> * 'blkid' isn't needed anymore, since 176 udev links against libblkid
> * 'modprobe' and 'depmod' aren't needed anymore, udev now links against
> libkmod
> * The entire source including the license files were re-indented hence the

Awesome changes :-)

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
E-mail: ota...@ossystems.com.br  http://www.ossystems.com.br
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