OpenEmbedded Technical Steering Committee
22 May 2012

 Richard Purdie (RP)
 Paul Eggleton (bluelightning)
 Mark Hatle (fray)
 Koen Kooi (koen)
 Khem (khem)

Minutes: Jefro (Jefro)

Agenda & Summary

1. pick a chair
 -> khem

2. lingering issues

 a. raise awareness of "janitor" list, QA "bugs"
   goal to have initial janitor communication with OE list end of May
 => still on Mark's to-do list

 b. discuss communication with OE community about release-oriented phases
    fray willing to manage page as TSC activity, create wiki when appropriate
    future agenda: document release process

 c. pre/post install scripting (fray)
    long term goal, lower priority
        fray working on update-alternatives

3. new issues

 a. build history
   repo master log at
       people to run before and after with buildhistory as part of the QA
for the change
         for changes to the core classes or bitbake.conf
       Paul wrote wiki page at
 => Paul to announce to mailing list

 b. systemd
       addition of systemd to meta-oe problematic
       suggest learn from this and ensure that such features are
developed in layers
         or against the core in a branch in future
       need patches to improve situation, not who-did-what
       on the agenda for the Yocto Project to look at it in the 1.3 timeframe
   from OE-Core, make initscripts virtuals (like C library) so plug & play
         exact mechanism TBD
       Paul suggests an "init" class which conditionally pulls in systemd /
init.d classes
         distro flag
         provide stop gap and meanwhile its worked out to live in OE-Core
 =>       discuss on mailing list (RP)

4. status

   Should we still support separation of / and /usr?
     watch oe-core users, osvs, community in general
   devshell to re-run or debug python run file chunks
     fray: would be nice addition
 =>   khem to file enhancement request for python devshell
   code to account for the checksums of file:// urls in sstate checksums
     landing soon, nice improvement (RP), running tests on it (Paul)
   switch back to glibc once eglibc changes merged in (khem)
       update-alternatives (fray)

 a. oe-core release
       Scott is aware of the issues and trying to figure out a review
process for the stable branch
       there will be discussion on the list about that and how to
review the patches

 b. elections
 => remove from this list, put back when needed - Jefro to find out when that is

 c. infrastructure
       Tom K needs to upgrade servers to 12.04 LTS, some downtime coming soon
       mailing list issue (koen) - board is coping with it, keep on agenda

=> action item (indented = older or remaining from prior meetings)
-> note from prior meetings

Raw Transcript

<Jefro> good lord everyone is here. apocalypse?
<bluelightning> hi all
<fray> Koen only one left right?
<fray> or is he lurking?
<koen> I'm here
<fray> wow.. everyone is here..
<Jefro> we should have a party
<Jefro> agenda in 1 min
<koen> can we put the oe-core release branch on there again?
<Jefro> koen ok
<Jefro> actually it is there as a status item
<fray> well, I can shortcut and mention that I havn't gotten to the
janitor task yet..  it's still on my 'todo' list..
<fray> along w/ the wiki project status..
<RP__> ok, any other agenda items
<RP__> ?
<khem> I dont have anything to add to agenda
* RP__ doesn't have much this week
<khem> ok
<Jefro> tea - back in 30 sec, please converse amongst yourselves
<khem> Jefro one for me too plz :)
<bluelightning> I'd like to add systemd to the list
<khem> yes I was thinking
<RP__> ok, who wants to chair?
<khem> I can
<RP__> khem: go for it
<koen> bluelightning: just have windriver fork it
<khem> alright here we go
<bluelightning> koen: funny
<khem> Lingering issues
<fray> well, I can shortcut and mention that I havn't gotten to the
janitor task yet..  it's still on my 'todo' list..
<fray> :)
<bluelightning> koen: it's not about systemd itself, it's how we integrate it
<khem> Janitor list,QA bugs
<fray> I expect to get to it by end of may still
<fray> same w/ 2b...
<koen> bluelightning: yes, have windriver for the layer and host that
fork on the yocto server
<khem> fray: IIRC you volunteered to some ml activity on this
<koen> bluelightning: oh wait, that already happened
<fray> khem, ya.. thats part of it..
<khem> fray: pre/post install scripts ?
<khem> that 2c.
<fray> this item was a light topic long standing.. does anyone have
any pre/post install we should be capturing and planning for
resolution on via more automated techniques..
<fray> i.e. the update-alternatives
<RP__> I think current work on things like update-alternatives is
being done which might lead to 2c
<fray> update-rc is the only other thing I've seen recently.. that
seems to be done manually in many places..
<khem> RP__: who is working on it ?
<bluelightning> koen: yes well we probably ought to find out what
those guys are doing because I have no idea
<fray> I'm working on the update-alternatives change..
<koen> bluelightning: you can see why I have zero motivation to be helpfull?
<khem> ok. So we should keep it on topic and probably obtain  more feedback ?
<khem> koen: :).
<bluelightning> koen: not really no
<khem> systemd is on agenda lets wait a while
<RP__> agreed, lets follow the agenda please
<khem> anyone likes to add anything to 2c ?
<RP__> we can behave like children when we get to systemd
* koen ( has left #oe-tsc
<khem> ok, lets move on
<fray> for 3. new issues.. one minor question, does the Yocto Project
builders store buildhistory information somewhere?
<fray> I've recently started using build history and was wondering if
there is anything oe-core specific I can compare what I have against..
<RP__> fray: there is a repository master logs things into
<khem> yeah I guess adding build history info there would be nice
<bluelightning> it's getting rather large by now though :(
<fray> ok..  I found Angstroms, but I didn't find that one when I
looked earlier (via google)
<khem> bluelightning: can it be made a circular buffer
<khem> kind
<bluelightning> khem: well, it's git... so it could but hashes would change
<khem> hmm ok
<bluelightning> we're stepping off the agenda again sorry
<khem> no we are not
<RP__> khem: We can always prune off history if we wanted to
<khem> we are on 3. new issues
<fray> ya..  I'm trying to figure out for more complex changes if
there would be a benefit of asking people to run before and after with
buildhistory as part of the QA for the change
<bluelightning> oh ok sorry,
<RP__> fray: I think we're already doing that
<fray> I mean the submitters.. I haven't seen any requests for that..
but I've seen folks like you and Saul using it..
<RP__> fray: Certainly for changes to the core classes or bitbake.conf
(like the PACKAGES order change) we're asking people to do this
<fray> anyway, thats all I had in the "new"..
<khem> I think we dont have a writeup
<RP__> fray: Its something we're going to be asking more of
<khem> on buildhistory
<fray> ok...  after using it once.. it was very good and finding an
issue I didn't know I had..
<RP__> bluelightning: Did Scott write something about this?
<khem> how to use it in such a manner in day2day activities
<bluelightning> RP__: I wrote a wiki page and sent it to Scott
for inclusion at some point but I don't think he's got to it yet
<RP__> ok, but at least we have the wiki page :)
<RP__> bluelightning: was that mentioned on the mailing list? If not,
we should perhaps mention it (or mention it again)?
<RP__> I do think its incredibly useful
<fray> ya, good idea..
<khem> yes, I was thinking of making it so that devs use it more
regularly, how could be achieve that
<bluelightning> RP__: in passing but might be worth raising in its own thread
<fray> I knew it existed, but before yesterday I didn't know how easy
it was to work with
<RP__> bluelightning: Would you mind doing that?
<bluelightning> RP__: sure, AR taken :)
* khem sees a AR for bluelightning
<RP__> bluelightning: thanks :)
<khem> ok anything else on buildhistory
<khem> or any new issues for that matter ?
<khem> I have one and its about separation of / and /usr that we are
following some distros are actually now moving away from this theory
so I think we are having it backwards to support it
<RP__> That one is a good question
<fray> I advocate for the split for two reasons..  The first is I find
it easier to create a small bootable system if the division has
already been made, then mount the larger (remainder) of the system
<fray> bootable may be initrd, may be a small partition or ....
<RP__> I've heard requests for it and there was desire to support it.
Its also not that far off working, if it doesn't basically work today
<khem> I saw that we have a lot of glue in metadata to support this
<fray> and the other is I do know of devices w/ local / and common /usr...
<fray> but I do understand, especially in light of recent comments
about kmod/udev on why people are moving away from it..
<fray> it certainly takes effort to manage...
<RP__> I think its worth trying to support, if there are people
willing to develop and maintain it
<khem> RP__: its contant maintenance it will require that I am afraid of
<RP__> If we don't have those people, it becomes a problem...
<fray> and I'm a little worried the answer to the QA warning isn't
"should we move /bin/foo to /usr/bin/foo" vs always just moving things
to /
<RP__> khem: I worry too, there are currently a number of warnings
being generated and we need to come up with a plan to address them if
we're going to continue with this
<RP__> There are a relatively small number of warnings
<fray> I see a lack of architectural guidance around the movement of
files.. but that may be because nobody understands the whole system
like they used to be able to (due to complexity)
<RP__> I also think some helper functions could simplify some of the file moves
<khem> I think as we move forward more and more packages will stop
differentiating between / and /usr
<khem> as its headed towards
<fray> well, this has always been an embedded vs "workstation" problem
in my opinion..
<khem> and this means when we upgrade packages we end up *fixing* them
all the time to meet our needs
<fray> I remember dealing with similar situations 10 years ago w/ Linux
<RP__> khem: I don't think its quite time to give up on this yet but
we need to be careful
<khem> fray: question is are we still in same situation 10 years after
<fray> khem, IMHO we're both much better and worse..
<RP__> fray: It might be worth talking to people like the udev/kmod
people and seeing if we can come up with some good patches they'd
<fray> better that things seem to work way better then they used to,
but other things are now ignoring small system boot (IMHO)..
<fray> ya, I agree..
<fray> I don't want to abandone the principal yet.. but I can
certainly understand the difficulty..
<fray> (if I had time, I'd take a whack at a world build and see if I
could fix all of the existing issues.. but I don't)
<RP__> fray: we need to come up with a plan about the remaining QA warnings
<bluelightning> RP__: given that they have written at least one long
article on why it shouldn't be supported anymore I don't hold out huge
hope there
<khem> fray: yes however its something people are moving away so onus
will eventually be on us
<khem> thats what I am worried about
<fray> yes
<RP__> bluelightning: It might at least be worth trying
<RP__> bluelightning: but yes, I worry
<khem> so may be we should think more about it
<RP__> So we could conclude we have some concerns but not enough to
give up yet - something to keep watch on?
<khem> and keep it on backburner
<khem> yes
<bluelightning> for reference, the article is
<fray> yes.. we need to watch both the oe-core users, osvs and
community in general..
<khem> thx bluelightning
<RP__> bluelightning: My argument is this should be a configuration option...
<fray> if the attitude goes completely against it, we can drop it
<fray> RP__, same
<bluelightning> RP__: sure
<RP__> bluelightning: we can do combined /usr and have done long
before systemd did :)
<khem> anyone has more new issues to disucss ?
<fray> ;)
<bluelightning> RP__: indeed, I guess I was just pointing out we'll
have an uphill battle ;)
<RP__> I guess a quick poll
<khem> I think now a days people use initrd approach
<RP__> There are some changes adding variable and include tracking
into bitbake. These are being discussed on the list as they should
<RP__> They will complicate the code base but I'm leaning to taking them
<RP__> Any comments?
<khem> yes I saw the discussions
<bluelightning> RP__: it looks pretty valuable, but do we have any
idea of the speed impact?
<bluelightning> (if any)
<RP__> bluelightning: disabled by default so should be minimal unless enabled
<fray> the variable tracking is nice for the little bit I've seen it..
<khem> RP__: I think from bb pov I am more interested in adding tests
sorry its a bit tangential
<RP__> bluelightning: by default they're only used with -e
<RP__> and with -e you don't care about speed
<fray> I'm also working on a possible re-order of the temp (logging)
directory to make it easier to follow what is happening..
<khem> RP__: those patches looked good to me in general
<bluelightning> RP__: except when we call bitbake -e from scripts to
get the value of a variable (although maybe we need a better mechanism
for that anyway)
<RP__> khem: I agree, we need more of them as I'm demonstrating with
the fetcher changes which introduced regressions :(
<fray> the one complaint I've heard recently (about bb) is people
using devshell wanting to re-run or debug the python run file chunks..
<RP__> fray: I need to have a look at those patches again :)
<fray> I don't know of any way to do that.. but something there would
be a nice addition
<fray> RP__, my next task after update-alternatives.. ;)
<RP__> fray: I wonder if we could drop people to the python shell?
<RP__> In fact can someone file a bug about that - python devshell :)
<RP__> something similar to what you get when you just run "python"
<RP__> it has to be possible somehow :)
<fray> RP__, I think it would be nice if we could
<fray> anyway.. probably should move on..
<khem> I will file an enhancement request
<khem> for python devshell
<RP__> one other heads up - there is some code to account for the
checksums of file:// urls in sstate checksums
<RP__> that will likely land soon and is a really nice improvement IMO :)
<bluelightning> yes I'm just running tests on it now FYI
<khem> hmm nice
<fray> very nice when you are just having on getting a patch running right
<fray> no need to screw w/ clean or changing of the recipe's PR
<fray> BTW one limitation I noticed is that the vardeps don't cover
"flag" values..
<khem> on status. I have posted arm-hf patches and now I am working on
kconfig for eglibc
<fray> we're using more and more flag values as we do advanced things..
<RP__> fray: that is another topic we need to l;ook at and address...
<RP__> khem: I saw the patches, they seem reasonable
<khem> RP__: ok
<fray> so it's something to keep in mind.. (for the
update-alternatives I wrote something to add up the flag values and
shove it into something that is being evaluated for in vardeps)
<khem> another topic far in horizon is switch back to glibc
<khem> once eglibc changes are merged into glibc
<RP__> khem: understood, when we get there... :)
<khem> ok so anyone else has something to add to status
<khem> we talked about u-a
<khem> RP__: how is your patch and review stuff going ?
<khem> do you need help there still
<RP__> khem: I'm doing the best I can, I'm a bit behind atm and
worried about master stability
<khem> RP__: ok. I will try to help if you need some help
<RP__> khem: Help with review of code is always welcome. We've taken
in some more unstable elements recently and are suffering a little as
a result, not helped by infrastrcuture upgrades
<khem> I see yes
* RP__ was in Romania last week bring up a new team there
* khem saw the pictures with parrot
<RP__> We should get a clean build off to QA this week and know better
where we are
<RP__> khem: gah ;-)
<khem> RP__: ok, I was worried about qemu not booting into X on mips and arm
<RP__> khem: yes, these worry me too
<khem> since the kdrive->xorg is not committed yet
<khem> I wonder why
<RP__> khem: hence I want to know better where master stands before we
add more changes
<khem> RP__: ok
<khem> Release branch process
<khem> thats 4a.
<khem> Do we have something to talk about there
<RP__> So Koen asked about this but left :/
<khem> ok
<khem> I saw scott picking some patches for release branch
<RP__> I will say that Scott is aware of the issues and trying to
figure out a review process for the stable branch
<khem> ok
<RP__> so I think there will be discussion on the list about that and
how to review the patches
<RP__> So I propose giving Scott a chance to sort this out
<khem> correct
<khem> ok AR for Scott who is not here :)
<RP__> He already knows he';s doing this
<khem> Elections
<khem> Do we need to talk about it
<fray> we're election free for 6 months or did that not go through/
<khem> I think its a regular feature so lets discuss it when it comes
<khem> lets remove it from agenda
<fray> seems fine..
<Jefro> need a future reminder?
<RP__> fray: I'm pretty sure elections are not for a while now
<Jefro> or leave it up to the board?
<khem> Jefro: yes surely
<RP__> Jefro: Could you track down a date for the next election?
<RP__> Jefro: Then we can stop worrying about it until that time
<khem> yes if we can put it in calendar that way we can readd it
<Jefro> RP__ will do - I'll ask the board & will schedule it
<RP__> Jefro: thanks
<khem> AR for Jefro :)
<khem> Infrastructure
<khem> services are holding on well. I dont see any of them going down
at all these days
<khem> which is good
<RP__> khem: good news :)
<khem> Tom K needs to upgrade servers to 12.04 LTS
<khem> so there will be some downtime in coming weeks
<khem> I dont know when it is scheduled
<RP__> I did an LTS update on one of my machines and it was
surprisingly smooth...
<khem> Did we sort out the ml issue Koen reported ?
<RP__> khem: I did also talk to Philip about it and the board is
dealing with it afaik
<khem> RP__: thats a good news, it will make Tom less nervous :)
<khem> RP__: ok so we will keep it on radar for next meeting
<khem> Err. we are pretty much through the agenda
<khem> we still have 15 mins left, do we want to talk about systemd/init scripts
<RP__> So the only other topic I'm aware of is systemd
<bluelightning> I think we should
<khem> ok
<RP__> agreed
<khem> RP__: I think from OE-Core we should make initscripts virtuals
<khem> like C library
<khem> so they can be plug and play
<RP__> khem: I agree we need to do something like that. The exact
mechanism is TBD but we need to give users control to opt in or out of
the different options
<khem> I mean try to reach that
<bluelightning> my suggestion would be an "init" class which
conditionally pulls in systemd / init.d classes (since bitbake can now
do that)
<bluelightning> we can even do that right now without systemd being in OE-core
<RP__> I have to say that the addition of systemd to meta-oe is a
disaster and the fact people now have to BBMASK bits of the layer and
so on is rather sad
<bluelightning> (he says cautiously, without having tested the bitbake feature)
<bluelightning> RP__: that's what I'm trying to work around in the short term
<khem> RP__: yes it is a bit concerning
<RP__> I would suggest we learn from this and ensure that such
features are developed in layers or against the core in a branch in
<khem> RP__: from OE-Core pov I think if we have easy way to swap the
init systems
<khem> better it will be
<RP__> khem: agreed, but nobody seems willing to spend the time and
write these patches
<bluelightning> the blocker here would be anyone who needs to support
both without changing distro config
<fray> agree..  systemd was too wide ranging of a feature to be part
of meta-oe.. but I think we've learned now to look for things like
<RP__> It is on the agenda for the Yocto Project to look at it in the
1.3 timeframe and see if we can resolve things
<fray> bluelightning honestly, I'm not sure if both can be supported
on a non-distribution wide basiss
<khem> RP__: yes they are pretty nasty to write I agree
<RP__> If someone beats us to it, great...
<bluelightning> fray: I've always seen supporting both without
changing config as being a bit ambitious and not worth supporting,
yes, but in the past others disagreed
<khem> RP__: ok thats good.
<RP__> bluelightning: it would be better than what we have now
<bluelightning> so people don't think my idea is totally silly then?
<bluelightning> if so I'll give it a try
<khem> RP__: on the other hand we have to support a default in E-core
so are we going to change the default to systemd too ?
<fray> at least in my experience a distro flag -- or soething like the
tclibc flag is what we need..
<RP__> I'd also note for the record all the "who did what" type
discussions are not particularly helpful, what we need are patches to
improve the situation
<RP__> So those are the things I want to spend the time on, patches to
move things forward
<fray> as for default, I'd say keep it "as-is" today through the next
release cycle.. if systemd is working (in oe-core), then we can
discuss changing the default..
<bluelightning> so is it worth spending any time on a stopgap?
<RP__> khem: Lets figure out the mechanism, with compatibility with
what we have now, then people can think about switching and we can
discuss the default
<fray> I'd love to play with it and improve things.. but again, time.. ;)
<khem> fray: so have them both in OE-Core and as bluelightning suggested
<khem> RP__: yes sounds sane to me
<fray> what is the current implement, just raw bbappends, or distro flags, or?
<fray> khem, yes
<bluelightning> khem: that's what we should move to, but initially we
could set it up so that systemd could not be available and we won't
get parse failures
<RP__> fray: mixture of things including a bbclass which is probably
the most problematic part
<fray> (current implemention = meta-oe/angstrom)
<fray> what does the class do?
<fray> is it pre/post install scripts or more setup then that?
<khem> RP__: I think to start have bbclass in OE-Core
<bluelightning> fray:
<RP__> khem: not in its current form its not...
<khem> that way it can be integrated better in a different layer
<khem> RP__: lets redo the needed bits
<RP__> khem: that will encourage the BBMASK problem into OE-Core
<RP__> Discussion of the implementation needs to happen on the mailing list
<khem> not if redo takes care of that
<fray> a lot of that looks like it should be merged or at least
coordinated with an update-rcd class
<RP__> khem: hence my comment "not in current form" ;-)
<bluelightning> fray: that's kind of my point
<khem> RP__: ok.
<RP__> I think we understand what needs to be done, its just a people
and time problem
<khem> so I think we all have similar thoughts on the issue
<fray> so I am on the systemd bandwagon.. we just need some help
getting it into oe-core and allowing it to be selectable..
<khem> ok. Lets provide stop gap and meanwhile its worked out to live in OE-Core
<khem> as we have with BBMASK etc. for now
<fray> A systemd development layer should allow us to create mergable elements..
<khem> fray: I think koen already created a layer IIRC
<fray> (BTW I'd not seen the meta-systemd before Koen mentioned it today)
<khem> fray: yeah I think meta-systemd will give a chance to redo the
stuff that should make
<RP__> I did look at the layer but last I looked, the bbclass wasn't in there
<fray> ahh I see the directory in meta-oe git repo
<khem> it suitable for OE-COre
<bluelightning> if there are folks in WR working on this we should try
to get them involved rather than having them working off to the side
<khem> bluelightning: I completely agree
<khem> as a tangent same goes for raspberry pi
<RP__> The WR people needed something standalone to work with meta-ivi
so I agreed to the layer on as a stopgap
<RP__> Its not meant for anything long term, its just while we figure
out a better solution
<khem> I deal with people who dont know OE so well and this plethora
of layers scares hell out of them
<Jefro> 1 minute warning...
<fray_> so do we have a decision on leaning toward distro flag or?
<bluelightning> fray_: probably needs to be discussed on the list further
<khem> fray: a distro flag yes
<fray_> ok.. fair enough
<RP__> I think some kind of distro flag will be the end result but
lets talk on the mailing list
<khem> OK
<khem> so I think someone should send mail initialing discussion
<khem> RP__: will you do that :)
<khem> with that lets adjourn the meeting if all agree ..
<RP__> khem: I can try to, yes
<RP__> tomorrow maybe :)
<RP__> out of time today
<khem> RP__: thats fine
<fray_> fine w/ me
<khem> thanks all for joining
<khem> cu next time
<bluelightning> bye everyone
<RP__> thanks all!

Jeff Osier-Mixon
Yocto Project Community Manager @Intel

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