On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Anup Kini <ak...@synapticon.com> wrote:

> I did try that, but it does not add the A-dev.deb.
> It will only deploy the A.deb files.
> I want to populate the A-dev.deb also...
i think you might be confused between sysroot and image (or rootfs) here,
no? what is it that you are calling 'sysroot'? in fact packages (e.g. .deb
files) are not installed in the sysroot, but in images. sysroot is being
populated independently of packages. on the other hand A-dev.deb would
indeed not be installed by default in an image that you create, unless you
specifically add the package to IMAGE_INSTALL.
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