Hi all,

i'm the author of the merge-request on github.

The patchset from Denys looks nice. Especially because it cross compiles the host tools for the SDK_MACHINE which i forgot todo in my patchset.

I think the best way would be a combined version of both patchsets.

Because some of you think my patchset is too complicated i want to highlight why i added the complicated creation of the qt.conf and the additional patching of the mkspec files etc.

I didn't tested Denys version but i think it only works if you source the environment scripts of the SDK before.

As a Qt developer it's the defacto standard to get a SDK which works out of the box for your projects by just invoking qmake and no need to source a script before which changes your environment.

To get this done you need to patch the mkspec folder and the qt.conf to use relative paths instead the hardcoded paths which where created during the yocto build.

In addition i created a linux-oe-sdk-g++ which contains the real values of the environment variables but without --sysroot. This will be set by qt itself by using the CROSS_COMPILE prefix.

I hope you understand that this is really needed if you want to get a good qt5 integration into a OE SDK.

Best Reagrds


P.S. If you want to use the qmake inside qtcreator you would need to set all the env variable of the environment script inside qtcreator which is really inconvenient
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