On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Gary Thomas <g...@mlbassoc.com> wrote:
> Yes, the failing machine is 32bit.  'ulimit -m' shows unlimited, so my
> 3G of RAM + 5G of swap _should_ be the same.

if you take a look here

it asks for 4G RAM/8G swap/10 GB storage

your system looks like is not sufficiently resourced to build chromium
and its 32bit

that sort of limits the memory linker can use too,  --no-keep-memory
as Martin said could help a bit but only if you are hoverning around
borders at the expense of speed

may be your option is to use larger swap space + --no-keep-memory

better one is to just buy a new 64bit machine with 8G of RAM :)
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