On 04/21/2014 11:05 AM, Hongxu Jia wrote:
On 04/21/2014 11:01 AM, Tim Orling wrote:
On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Hongxu Jia <hongxu....@windriver.com>wrote:

On 04/21/2014 04:19 AM, Tim Orling wrote:

(1) I am thinking about dropping this patch. perl-native provides
Module::Metadata 1.00004, so if subsequent packages are being
cross-compiled I have not yet proven there is a need for the updated
v1.000019 provided here.

(2) The question is, if one wanted to build subsequent packages in-situ, how to provide Module::Metadata 1.00004 on a target system, since it is
only provided by perl-native?

It is also provided by perl, for target.


I am not seeing it. Am I missing something?

Hi Tim,

I am afraid Module::Metadataj is not in perl by default, you need
to tweak poky/meta/recipes-devtools/perl/perl_5.14.3.bb, to create
a new package for Module::Metadata, you could reference what
'perl-module-cpan' did, such as:
PACKAGES += "perl-module-metadata"
FILES_perl-module-metadata += ">>the files you need<<"

You also need tweak do_install, to install Metadata.pm from ${S}
to ${D}, the default do_install did not do that.


And add 'perl-module-metadata' to your recipes's RDEPENDS.


root@beaglebone:~# perl -mModule::Metadata

Can't locate Module/Metadata.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl
/usr/lib/perl/site_perl/5.14.3/ /usr/lib/perl/site_perl/5.14.3
/usr/lib/perl/vendor_perl/5.14.3/ /usr/lib/perl/vendor_perl/5.14.3
/usr/lib/perl/5.14.3/ /usr/lib/perl/5.14.3 /usr/local/lib/site_perl
/usr/lib/perl/5.14.3 .).

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.


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