Hello Carlos,

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:36 PM, Carlos Rafael Giani
<d...@pseudoterminal.org> wrote:
> This set of patches extends the chromium recipe to allow for EGL&GLESv2 based 
> 2D rendering,
> considerably improving performance. This also adds hardware-accelerated WebGL 
> support.
> Three new PACKAGECONFIG for chromium are introduced:
> * "component-build" : If set, Chromium is built in component mode. Each 
> subsystem of Chromium
>   ends up in a separate shared object. The alternative is the regular mode, 
> which links everything
>   into one big binary. Component builds are useful for development and 
> testing, and consumes
>   significantly less RAM during building. It is essential when building 
> Chromium on a 32-bit OS.
> * "use-egl" : Ordinarily, Chromium will try to use GLX and regular (= 
> Desktop) OpenGL for 2D
>   acceleration. If that fails, software rendering is used. If use-egl is set, 
> it will use EGL
>   instead of GLX and OpenGL ES 2.0 instead of regular OpenGL. This is very 
> useful if the
>   target platform provides hardware acceleration for this API. Chromium will 
> then render all 2D
>   components as well as WebGL contents with hardware acceleration, Canvas 
> being an exception
>   (see below).
> * "ignore-lost-context" : Without this flag, HTML Canvas will not be 
> accelerated, even with the
>   "use-egl" flag set. The reason for this is a conceptual problem: HTML 
> Canvas expects the
>   backing store of the canvas to persist until the web page goes away. But if 
> the backing store
>   is a GLES texture, then in theory the associated EGL context could get lost 
> (for example, during
>   a power management cycle), and the texture along with it. This violates 
> requirements for canvas.
>   So, one has to choose: either remain fully standards compliant, and have no 
> acceleration, or
>   have acceleration, and risk losing the Canvas content. Note that context 
> losses do not happen on
>   all platforms (they haven't been observed with Vivante GPUs for example, 
> and internals of its
>   galcore module do not show anything that could cause a lost context). But 
> since these recipes
>   do not depend on a specific platform, this option must be explicitely 
> enabled.

Thanks for this. I applied them all in master branch.

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
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