On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 11:39:20PM +0200, Andreas Müller wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 7:09 PM, Martin Jansa <martin.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > ERROR: polkit-group-rule-datetime different signature for task 
> > do_configure.sigdata between qemux86copy and qemuarm
> > runtaskdeps changed from ['polkitpolkit-group-rule-datetime.bb.do_patch', 
> > 'polkitpolkit_0.113.bb.do_populate_sysroot', 
> > 'shadowshadow_4.2.1.bb.do_populate_sysroot:virtual:native'] to 
> > ['polkitpolkit-group-rule-datetime.bb.do_patch', 
> > 'polkitpolkit_0.113.bb.do_populate_sysroot', 
> > 'shadowshadow_4.2.1.bb.do_populate_sysroot:virtual:native']
> > /home/jenkins/oe/world/shr-core/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/polkit/polkit_0.113.bb.do_populate_sysroot
> >  with hash 284d6bbd28ea723c466e0c5c88a09a50
> I missed many of these - because I am not up to date on oe-core (did
> not want to loose midori for my images) - will change that soon. For
> this type of error: is it correct that it is caused by allarch recipes
> depending on machine/architecture specific recipes?

close, the important part is few lines bellow:

with hash                               
 changed to                                                                     
with hash                               
Hash for dependent task polkitpolkit_0.113.bb.do_populate_sysroot
changed from 284d6bbd28ea723c466e0c5c88a09a50 to

so allarch recipe polkitpolkit-group-rule-datetime is depending on
TUNE_PKGARCH-specific recipe polkit (on it's do_populate_sysroot task
which is expected to be different for diferent TUNE_PKGARCHs)


Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: martin.ja...@gmail.com

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