Sandy Carter ( has proposed merging 
lp:~savoirfairelinux-openerp/lp-community-utils/nag_refactor into 

Requested reviews:
  OpenERP Community Reviewer/Maintainer (openerp-community-reviewer)
  Guewen Baconnier @ Camptocamp (gbaconnier-c2c): code review

For more details, see:

Moved functions used in openerp-nag to so they may be used by other 

As of now, openerp-nag cannot be imported by other scripts due to the dash in 
its name and the fact it does not end in .py

No code was changed with the exception of the addition of the launchpad_login 
function which replicates old behaviour.

I have not done any of the cleanup of my old proposal as they can be done later.

Please review this with high priority as any future changed to openerp-nag 
means I have to rebase this commit.
Your team OpenERP Community Reviewer/Maintainer is requested to review the 
proposed merge of lp:~savoirfairelinux-openerp/lp-community-utils/nag_refactor 
into lp:lp-community-utils.
=== added file ''
---	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++	2014-04-06 16:40:59 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd.
+# Written by:
+#   Zygmunt Krynicki <>
+# Hacked for the OpenERP Community Reviewers version by:
+#   Guewen Baconnier <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
+import collections
+import datetime
+import logging
+    from progressbar import ProgressBar, Bar, Percentage, ETA
+except ImportError:
+    ProgressBar = None
+from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
+# Nag:
+# Indication that we want to nag the 'person'...
+# ...with the specified 'action'
+# ...about a particular 'subject'
+Nag = collections.namedtuple(
+    "Nag", "person action subject sort_class sort_priority sort_age project_name votes")
+def show_lp_object(obj):
+    print(obj)
+    print("attributes:", obj.lp_attributes)
+    for attr in obj.lp_attributes:
+        print("attribute[%s]: %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
+    print("entries:", obj.lp_entries)
+    for entry in obj.lp_entries:
+        print("entry[%s]: %s" % (entry, getattr(obj, entry)))
+    print("collections:", obj.lp_collections)
+    print("operations:", obj.lp_operations)
+    print("-" * 80)
+class DefaultPolicy:
+    mps_need_commit_message = False
+    max_review_age = 0
+    max_bug_new_age = 7
+    # minimal number of reviewers before merging
+    min_approve = 2
+    # can't be merged before n days
+    days_before_merge = 5
+    # can be merged before days_before_merge if at least n approvals
+    approvals_to_bypass = 3
+class UTC(datetime.tzinfo):
+    def dst(self, foo):
+        return datetime.timedelta(0, 0)
+    def utcoffset(self, foo):
+        return datetime.timedelta(0, 0)
+UTC = UTC()
+class Votes(object):
+    """ Holds votes of a proposal """
+    __states__ = {
+        'Approve': 'approve',
+        'Needs Fixing': 'needs_fixing',
+        'Needs Information': 'needs_information',
+        'Abstain': 'abstain',
+        'Disapprove': 'disapprove',
+        'Resubmit': 'resubmit',
+        'Pending': 'pending',
+    }
+    __signs__ = {
+        'approve': '+',
+        'needs_fixing': '!',
+        'needs_information': '?',
+        'abstain': '~',
+        'disapprove': '-',
+        'resubmit': 'R',
+        'pending': '*',
+    }
+    __ignore_for_approval__ = ['abstain', 'pending']
+    def __init__(self, votes):
+        self._votes = collections.Counter(
+            self.__states__[ if vote.comment else 'Pending']
+            for vote in votes
+        )  # no comment is a pending review, usually the team
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        if name in self._votes:
+            return self._votes[name]
+        elif name in self.__states__.values():
+            return 0
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError
+    def __str__(self):
+        signs = ['%d%s' % (count, self.__signs__[state]) for
+                 state, count in self._votes.iteritems()]
+        return ', '.join(signs)
+    def total(self, for_approval=False):
+        if for_approval:
+            return sum(count for state, count in self._votes.iteritems()
+                       if state not in self.__ignore_for_approval__)
+        return sum(self._votes.values())
+    @classmethod
+    def legend(cls):
+        return dict((state, cls.__signs__[code]) for
+                    state, code in cls.__states__.iteritems())
+def gen_project_nags(lp, policy, project_name):
+    # TODO: Detect project groups and redirect the nag to all projects
+    # underneath that project
+    # Access the project that we care about
+    logging.debug("Accessing project %r", project_name)
+    project = lp.projects[project_name]
+    # Re-yield all the merge proposal nags
+    # NOTE: change to yield from in py3k3
+    for nag in gen_merge_proposal_nags(lp, policy, project):
+        yield nag
+def gen_merge_proposal_nags(lp, policy, project):
+    # XXX: cannnot use utcnow as launchpad returns tz-aware objects here
+    now =
+    logging.debug("Looking for merge proposals in project %r", project)
+    # NOTE: Workaround for project.getMergeProposals() crashing on timeouts
+    try:
+        merge_proposals = project.getMergeProposals(status='Needs review')
+    except AttributeError:
+        logging.warning("The project %s has no code to look at", project)
+        return
+    for proposal in merge_proposals:
+        logging.debug("Looking at merge proposal %r", proposal)
+        # Skip everything that is still not requested for review
+        if proposal.date_review_requested is None:
+            continue
+        # Skip everything that is already merged
+        if proposal.date_merged is not None:
+            continue
+        votes = Votes(proposal.votes)
+        # Nag about missing commit message on merge requests
+        if policy.mps_need_commit_message and proposal.commit_message is None:
+            yield Nag(
+                person=proposal.registrant.display_name,
+                action="set a commit message on merge request",
+                subject=proposal.web_link,
+                sort_class=SORT_CLASS_MERGE,
+                sort_priority=None,  # TODO: get from max(linked bugs)
+                sort_age=(proposal.date_review_requested - now).days,
+      ,
+                votes=votes,
+            )
+        age = (now - proposal.date_review_requested).days
+        if (votes.approve == and
+                (votes.approve >= policy.approvals_to_bypass or
+                 votes.approve >= policy.min_approve and
+                 age >= policy.days_before_merge)):
+            yield Nag(
+                person='A committer',
+                action="consider to merge the proposal",
+                subject=proposal.web_link,
+                sort_class=SORT_CLASS_MERGE,
+                sort_priority=None,  # TODO: get from max(linked bugs)
+                sort_age=(proposal.date_review_requested - now).days,
+      ,
+                votes=votes,
+            )
+            continue
+        # Nag about aging merge requests
+        if age >= policy.max_review_age:
+            yield Nag(
+                person='Someone',
+                action="review the merge request",
+                subject=proposal.web_link,
+                sort_class=SORT_CLASS_MERGE,
+                sort_priority=None,  # TODO: get from max(linked bugs)
+                sort_age=(proposal.date_review_requested - now).days,
+      ,
+                votes=votes,
+            )
+def gen_bug_nags(lp, policy, project):
+    now =
+    new_threshold = now - datetime.timedelta(days=policy.max_bug_new_age)
+    # Nag about bugs that are "New" for too long
+    logging.debug("Looking at 'new' bugs that are 8 days or older")
+    aging_new_bugs = project.searchTasks(status='New',
+                                         created_before=new_threshold)
+    for bug_task in aging_new_bugs:
+        yield Nag(
+            person='everyone',
+            action='triage the bug',
+            subject=bug_task.web_link,
+            sort_class=SORT_CLASS_BUG,
+            sort_priority=None,  # TODO: convert from importance name
+            sort_age=None,
+            votes=None)
+def parse_projects_file(filename):
+    """ Parse a file containing name of the projects
+    A line per project
+    """
+    with open(filename, mode='rU') as project_file:
+        content =
+    return [name.strip() for name in content.splitlines()]
+def launchpad_login(anonymous, consumer_name, service_root):
+    if anonymous:
+        return Launchpad.login_anonymously(consumer_name, service_root)
+    else:
+        return Launchpad.login_with(consumer_name, service_root)

=== modified file 'openerp-nag'
--- openerp-nag	2014-02-20 16:18:06 +0000
+++ openerp-nag	2014-04-06 16:40:59 +0000
@@ -42,234 +42,16 @@
 from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
 import argparse
-import collections
-import datetime
-import logging
     from progressbar import ProgressBar, Bar, Percentage, ETA
 except ImportError:
     ProgressBar = None
-from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
+from lp import *
 consumer_name = 'OpenERP Community Reviewers Nagging Scripts'
-# Nag:
-# Indication that we want to nag the 'person'...
-# ...with the specified 'action'
-# ...about a particular 'subject'
-Nag = collections.namedtuple(
-    "Nag", "person action subject sort_class sort_priority sort_age project_name votes")
-def show_lp_object(obj):
-    print(obj)
-    print("attributes:", obj.lp_attributes)
-    for attr in obj.lp_attributes:
-        print("attribute[%s]: %s" % (attr, getattr(obj, attr)))
-    print("entries:", obj.lp_entries)
-    for entry in obj.lp_entries:
-        print("entry[%s]: %s" % (entry, getattr(obj, entry)))
-    print("collections:", obj.lp_collections)
-    print("operations:", obj.lp_operations)
-    print("-" * 80)
-class DefaultPolicy:
-    mps_need_commit_message = False
-    max_review_age = 0
-    max_bug_new_age = 7
-    # minimal number of reviewers before merging
-    min_approve = 2
-    # can't be merged before n days
-    days_before_merge = 5
-    # can be merged before days_before_merge if at least n approvals
-    approvals_to_bypass = 3
-class UTC(datetime.tzinfo):
-    def dst(self, foo):
-        return datetime.timedelta(0, 0)
-    def utcoffset(self, foo):
-        return datetime.timedelta(0, 0)
-UTC = UTC()
-class Votes(object):
-    """ Holds votes of a proposal """
-    __states__ = {
-        'Approve': 'approve',
-        'Needs Fixing': 'needs_fixing',
-        'Needs Information': 'needs_information',
-        'Abstain': 'abstain',
-        'Disapprove': 'disapprove',
-        'Resubmit': 'resubmit',
-        'Pending': 'pending',
-    }
-    __signs__ = {
-        'approve': '+',
-        'needs_fixing': '!',
-        'needs_information': '?',
-        'abstain': '~',
-        'disapprove': '-',
-        'resubmit': 'R',
-        'pending': '*',
-    }
-    __ignore_for_approval__ = ['abstain', 'pending']
-    def __init__(self, votes):
-        self._votes = collections.Counter(
-            self.__states__[ if vote.comment else 'Pending']
-            for vote in votes
-        )  # no comment is a pending review, usually the team
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        if name in self._votes:
-            return self._votes[name]
-        elif name in self.__states__.values():
-            return 0
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError
-    def __str__(self):
-        signs = ['%d%s' % (count, self.__signs__[state]) for
-                 state, count in self._votes.iteritems()]
-        return ', '.join(signs)
-    def total(self, for_approval=False):
-        if for_approval:
-            return sum(count for state, count in self._votes.iteritems()
-                       if state not in self.__ignore_for_approval__)
-        return sum(self._votes.values())
-    @classmethod
-    def legend(cls):
-        return dict((state, cls.__signs__[code]) for
-                    state, code in cls.__states__.iteritems())
-def gen_project_nags(lp, policy, project_name):
-    # TODO: Detect project groups and redirect the nag to all projects
-    # underneath that project
-    # Access the project that we care about
-    logging.debug("Accessing project %r", project_name)
-    project = lp.projects[project_name]
-    # Re-yield all the merge proposal nags
-    # NOTE: change to yield from in py3k3
-    for nag in gen_merge_proposal_nags(lp, policy, project):
-        yield nag
-def gen_merge_proposal_nags(lp, policy, project):
-    # XXX: cannnot use utcnow as launchpad returns tz-aware objects here
-    now =
-    logging.debug("Looking for merge proposals in project %r", project)
-    # NOTE: Workaround for project.getMergeProposals() crashing on timeouts
-    try:
-        merge_proposals = project.getMergeProposals(status='Needs review')
-    except AttributeError:
-        logging.warning("The project %s has no code to look at", project)
-        return
-    for proposal in merge_proposals:
-        logging.debug("Looking at merge proposal %r", proposal)
-        # Skip everything that is still not requested for review
-        if proposal.date_review_requested is None:
-            continue
-        # Skip everything that is already merged
-        if proposal.date_merged is not None:
-            continue
-        votes = Votes(proposal.votes)
-        # Nag about missing commit message on merge requests
-        if policy.mps_need_commit_message and proposal.commit_message is None:
-            yield Nag(
-                person=proposal.registrant.display_name,
-                action="set a commit message on merge request",
-                subject=proposal.web_link,
-                sort_class=SORT_CLASS_MERGE,
-                sort_priority=None,  # TODO: get from max(linked bugs)
-                sort_age=(proposal.date_review_requested - now).days,
-      ,
-                votes=votes,
-            )
-        age = (now - proposal.date_review_requested).days
-        if (votes.approve == and
-                (votes.approve >= policy.approvals_to_bypass or
-                 votes.approve >= policy.min_approve and
-                 age >= policy.days_before_merge)):
-            yield Nag(
-                person='A committer',
-                action="consider to merge the proposal",
-                subject=proposal.web_link,
-                sort_class=SORT_CLASS_MERGE,
-                sort_priority=None,  # TODO: get from max(linked bugs)
-                sort_age=(proposal.date_review_requested - now).days,
-      ,
-                votes=votes,
-            )
-            continue
-        # Nag about aging merge requests
-        if age >= policy.max_review_age:
-            yield Nag(
-                person='Someone',
-                action="review the merge request",
-                subject=proposal.web_link,
-                sort_class=SORT_CLASS_MERGE,
-                sort_priority=None,  # TODO: get from max(linked bugs)
-                sort_age=(proposal.date_review_requested - now).days,
-      ,
-                votes=votes,
-            )
-def gen_bug_nags(lp, policy, project):
-    now =
-    new_threshold = now - datetime.timedelta(days=policy.max_bug_new_age)
-    # Nag about bugs that are "New" for too long
-    logging.debug("Looking at 'new' bugs that are 8 days or older")
-    aging_new_bugs = project.searchTasks(status='New',
-                                         created_before=new_threshold)
-    for bug_task in aging_new_bugs:
-        yield Nag(
-            person='everyone',
-            action='triage the bug',
-            subject=bug_task.web_link,
-            sort_class=SORT_CLASS_BUG,
-            sort_priority=None,  # TODO: convert from importance name
-            sort_age=None,
-            votes=None)
-def parse_projects_file(filename):
-    """ Parse a file containing name of the projects
-    A line per project
-    """
-    with open(filename, mode='rU') as project_file:
-        content =
-    return [name.strip() for name in content.splitlines()]
 def main():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
     group = parser.add_argument_group(title="debugging")
@@ -304,10 +86,7 @@
     if args.debug:
     # Access Lauchpad object as the current (system) user or anonymously
-    if args.anonymous:
-        lp = Launchpad.login_anonymously(consumer_name, args.service_root)
-    else:
-        lp = Launchpad.login_with(consumer_name, args.service_root)
+    lp = launchpad_login(args.anonymous, consumer_name, args.service_root)
     if not args.project and not args.projects_file:

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