+1 Mario

I think it's really good thing this kind of discussion between community
and OpenERP. At the end we will find a way. It's much better letting know
each ones opinion even if it sounds rude or there are differences than
don't sharing and start fighting in the dark ones against the others. It's

Let's go that way until arriving to a good methodology to going on
contributing to OCB and obtaning quick merges on stable. That would be the
right way.
Thank you everybody:

2013/10/29 Mario Arias <the.clone.mas...@gmail.com>

> Fabien,
> We all love OpenERP, I guess that's why we got so passionate about it...
> It is great that you and Olivier are participating on this thread.  Your
> vision has driven OpenERP to what and where it is today, and we thank you
> for that!
> Your suggestions are always welcomed, and even expected as leaders of the
> community... ;-)
> We need to go back to original intent of this thread...  "how to improve
> communication and make more efficien the inclusion of new branches", with
> no more attacks...
> Just let me know where/how  I can contribute to make it happen, and I will
> be there...
> Regards,
> -Mario
> On 10/29/2013 12:31 AM, Fabien Pinckaers wrote:
>> Sorry but my feeling is this suddent interest from S.A. in OCB is more
>>> about "control" and "fear"...  If you really want to help, stop spreading
>>> FUD
>> No. Sorry if I was not clear.
>> My only intention is to have an ocb branch that works so that people can
>> rely on it and we can easily merge it in stable to improve ocb.
>> I seriously think that if we define a better policy and process than the
>> current one, ocb can become a great way to improve community contribution
>> to the stable branch.
>> I also think that if you continue diverging from the stable and accept
>> anything in ocb branches, ocb will become less and less interesting for the
>> community.
>> My preceeding mail is may be too rude. But I really thing it's important
>> for ocb branch to setup a test server and a better merge policy.
>> As I said; this is my point of view and we will support your decision
>> about what you want to do with ocb.
>>  and start showing that you respect and appreciate the work from our
>>> community, and that is only possible with ACTIONS, not words....
>> I do appreciate the community and such great contribution. (OpenERP would
>> not be open source, if we did not have an inconditionaly full support for
>> open source and community)
>> If I participate to these mail, it's to help ocb move forward and do even
>> better. Do you think it's better if don't tell you what we think?
>> I think ocb can be great if we improve a few things (runbot, clear
>> policy, stricter code review) and that's the reason why I give you my point
>> of view.
>> Fabien
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          • ... Stefan Rijnhart
          • ... Stefan Rijnhart
          • ... Nhomar Hernández
          • ... Olivier Dony
          • ... Fabien Pinckaers
          • ... Stefan Rijnhart
          • ... Olivier Dony
          • ... Mario Arias
          • ... Fabien Pinckaers
          • ... Mario Arias
          • ... Ana Juaristi
          • ... Joël Grand-Guillaume
          • ... Fabien Pinckaers
          • ... Joël Grand-Guillaume
          • ... Lionel Sausin, de la part de l'équipe informatique Numérigraphe
          • ... Moises Lopez
          • ... Stefan
          • ... Ferdinand
  • Re: [Ope... Stefan Rijnhart

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