Hello everyone,

I am trying to use OpenEXR in a plugin that I am making for a 3D software to output some data to a file. I am using precompiled libs for MSVC2005 from hebbut.net and link IlmImf.lib and Half.lib to produce a DLL plugin. For reference, I am using the following code in my app

----------code starts-------------
1.   Imf::Array2D<Imf::Rgba> pixels(N+1,M+1);
2.   pixels[j][i].r    =  x[i] ;
3.   pixels[j][i].g    =  y[j] ;
4.   pixels[j][i].b    = z[i] ;
5. Imf::RgbaOutputFile outC("c:\\exr1.exr", Imf::Header(N+1, M+1), Imf::WRITE_RGBA);
6.   outC.setFrameBuffer (&pixels[0][0], 1, N+1);
7.   outC.writePixels (M+1);
----------code ends-------------

The above code compiles without any errors in MSVC2005 SP1.

When I take the compiled DLL in to my app, I get an error specific to my application, and the error says "A procedure couldn't be found in library:" It turns out that the error is related to line 5 in my code (RgbaOut...). When I don't have this line in the code, and anything my application picks up the DLL without errors. But as soon as this line is added, I get this strange error.

I am not sure if this is something related to the 3D software that I am using, or with my EXR output code. Has anyone else seen something similar happening? I'd be grateful for any pointers

many thanks,

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