On 02/23/2015 12:08 PM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
Most "free/libre editing applications" do not natively use floating
point to store internal raster data and they display their data using
interfaces which only support 8 integer bits per sample.  OpenEXR is
useful to store floating point data.  The whole path may not be loss
free unless it is round-tripped in the same format.

At one point, and with the notable exceptions of Cinepaint and some of the command-line-only programs, free/libre image editors mostly worked with 8-bit data.

Things have changed. RawTherapee and darktable do all internal processing at 32f. Darktable allows saving to disk 32f OpenEXR and tiff. RawTherapee hasn't yet added support for outputting 32f images, but it's being worked on.

GIMP 2.8 only works with 8-bit images internally. But GIMP 2.9 from git has worked with 32-bit images for several years now, does all processing at 32f, and provides input-output options for several high bit depth file formats.

Krita, of course, has supported 32f images for a long time.

However, floating point TIFF and ICC do not normally go hand in hand.

I'm confused by this statement. LCMS reads and writes ICC profiles embedded in floating point tiffs. GIMP 2.9 exports 32f tiffs with embedded ICC profiles and darktable recognizes the embedded ICC profiles, and vice versa. And so on. And so forth.


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