2009/6/16 Daniel Ribeiro <drw...@gmail.com>:
>> * in new driver we disabled this behaviour and leaving suspend to hci driver
> Correct.

btw, is this ok, to have "UP3OCR = 2;" in ezx-bp driver?

>> * hci driver not suspends ports, it stops and resets whole hci
> It disconnects, suspends and resumes the port. If the resume fails, then
> it resets the port.

strange. dont see any "if" in pxa27x_stop_hc/pxa27x_start_hc
here is unconditional read/write to UHCHR ( UHC Reset Register )

>> * bp requires some actions to keep working after ap sleep
> Not true.

hmmm ok.

>> * there is also ap_rdy, which is used to wake up and for handshake and
>>   commented out gpio_set in ezx-bp driver.
> It is used so AP can wake BP, not the other way around.
>> i`l try to shut up modem with AT+CMER=0,0,0,0,0 and set ap_rdy to 0 before 
>> sleep
>> and set ap_rdy to 1 at resume. is this ok?
> CMER may help with the auto-resume thing. ap_rdy to 0 will probably
> _not_ do what you want. It is not used to signal BP that the AP is
> suspended, BP uses GPIO_SYS_EN or GPIO_PWR_EN instead (I dont remember
> which one). But you don't have control over this pin using normal GPIO

yes, CMER and AP_RDY changed nothing

 wbr, Ilya
 ICQ: none, Jabber: ilya.muro...@jabber.ru

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