> AA> You should be able to update your install without too many problems. 
> AA> That said, if you do not run flowvisor as the flowvisor user there may
> AA> be some permission problems, which are most easily solved by removing
> AA> the install and starting again.
> Mm, ok. At BBN in particular, we currently run our FlowVisors as a user
> named 'openflow', so it's not either (a) root; or (b) some random person
> on the system; but it's not named 'flowvisor' either.

Ah I was worried about this. I was under the impression that people who install 
from binary run flowvisor as a specific user (which I thought was flowvisor). 
I'll see if I can fix this. 

> (Also, "flowvisor" is more than eight characters, which probably won't
> cause obvious problems on modern Linux systems, but will almost certainly
> cause subtle problems at some point when you least expect it. :^( Is that
> actually hardcoded in?)

well all the flowvisor db files are owned by user flowvisor...

> AA> Also note that you will have to convert your configuration file using,
> AA> fvconfig convert <configfile>
> I see that https://openflow.stanford.edu/display/DOCS/Installation+Guide
> mentions this. Is that the only other ugprade step you know of so far?

Yup, that should be it. 

Sorry about all this, I am by far no apt expert. I'll try to figure out how to 
make this a smoother process.

> AA> Let me know how you fair,
> Will do -- we'll probably try it at BBN immediately after GEC 14, and I
> can synch up with you then as we work through stuff. Thanks!
>                                      -Josh (j...@bbn.com)
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