the topology you have linked to is a router topology. try the switch topology 

as shown in the diagram, the regular hosts are on a different range of IP 
addresses than the controller: for the hosts, and 
for the controller. as the wiki explains, the Pantau firmware is configured by 
default to look for a controller at

finally -- why are you trying to ping the *clients* from the AP? in the 
standard configuration, it will not be able to reach them via IP packets (you 
will get "ping: sendto: Network is unreachable") -- the clients will be able to 
ping each other, and they will not be able to ping the controller (or 
vice-versa).  this is because the switch has an interface with an IP address 
*only* on the control network, and not on the data-plane network. the regular 
hosts (clients) should not be able to "see" the switch. when you attach a 
regular (non-OpenFlow) switch to your network, you can't ping it either, right? 
this works the same way.

anyway, try taking one step at a time:

first of all, is the OpenFlow switch software properly connected to the 
controller? (does the controller report the switch's connection?)  I recall 
Murphy explaining before how to enable debug log messages for Pox.

with just *one* client connected, and trying to ping any IP address from the 
client (it doesn't matter which one), do you see packet in messages at Pox? if 
you don't, then you need to fix that first.

after you are seeing packet in messages from *one* client, then attach a second 
client to the second wireless network, etc.


ps -- if you cannot get the OpenFlow switch software to connect to the 
controller, and you have all of the IP addresses configured properly, it could 
be that the WAN port on your AP doesn't work. that has been a problem with some 
TP-Link devices: ... so you can 
also re-purpose one of the LAN (yellow?) ports to be your "controller" port. if 
you do that, you need to remove that port from the list of ports in 

On Jan 12, 2014, at 1:54 PM, Sayed Qaiser Ali Shah <> 
> Dear Andrew first of all thanks for you precious time and your great help.
> Being more specific will you explain how should I use IP addresses. As you 
> explained I tried so but didn't work. Let me explain.
> I assigned AP WAN port an IP: mask: through which 
> Controller is attached.
> Didn't assign any IP to wlan0 and wlan0-1.
> I know that WAN port of AP must have different network connected which should 
> be different to LAN but I tried both as below:
> I tried both IPs of client-1 i.e. first I tried with which is 
> from the same network as controller
> then I tried mask GW: (GW is so because 
> can't leave it blank on linux)
> similarly IP of client-2 first with GW
> then I also tried GW
> When I used controller's network i.e. and tried to ping the 
> clients from AP in telnet mode I got nothing just the AP was waiting but when 
> I tried network and then ping clients from AP I got "ping: 
> sendto: Network is unreachable".
> I also studied the openflow tutorial again. May be I am interpreting it 
> wrong. When I studied
> I found that when setting up host they have mentioned Gateway i.e. as far as 
> I know is the ip address of switch. What can be IP address of switch? It may 
> be IP of certain interface but don't know which interface.
> Please will you be more specific in your above explanation how should I 
> assign IP's and there should be gateway or not? If there should be gateway 
> what will be Gateway?
> Thanks again for you precious time. :-)
> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 10:12 PM, Andrew Ferguson <> wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2014, at 6:59 AM, Sayed Qaiser Ali Shah <> 
> wrote:
>> Dear Andrew I tried both techniques but no technique is working. Network is 
>> behaving the same. When I created two wlan interfaces i.e. wlan0 and wlan1 
>> and I added both interfaces to /etc/config/openflow. I assigned IP's to 
>> wlan0 and wlan1 by using ifconfig command and then used these IP's as 
>> gateways for devices.
> why are you assigning IP addresses to interfaces on the switch? I suspect 
> that will interfere with the normal operation of the OpenFlow switch 
> software. the setup you have configured is basically one to create a Linux 
> *router*, not an OpenFlow switch. as described on the Pantou wiki and 
> elsewhere, *none* of the regular OpenFlow interfaces have IP addresses -- 
> only the out-of-band interface to connect to the controller (if using 
> out-of-band, which is recommended when starting).
> I suggest you follow the instructions in the OpenFlow tutorial: 
> for configuring 
> your network. if you check the IP addresses of the hosts in the tutorial, you 
> will see that they are all in the same subnet -- they don't use a gateway to 
> communicate. supporting an OpenFlow-controlled network with multiple subnets 
> requires writing an OpenFlow controller which behaves like an IP router.
> finally, I encourage you to create a configuration in Mininet and get it 
> working there. part of the beauty of Mininet is that the configuration you 
> create and get working there should translate easily to the real world. :-)
>> similarly I used "option isolated 1" but didn't work for me.
>> When I checked the link
>> there I found that network option is required
> ah, that's too bad. good to know that's how that option works, thank you.
>> but the link below 
>> shows network option commented. Can it be the reason?
> could be. I wouldn't deviate from the Pantou instructions until you get 
> everything working, and you understand how it works.
> good luck,
> Andrew
> -- 
> Regards
> Sayed Qaiser Ali Shah
> MSIT-12

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