On 19/01/2008, Nicolas Spalinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looking forward to your articles on free software and typography :)
> Let us know where and when you publish them.

Yes :-)

> As for an official position of openfontlibrary, I guess we should set
> this community voting system up someday...

For sure; and a planet for collating our blogs... :-)

> I'll let the others answer and simply point out that the current hosting
> platform supports tagging your fonts as released under the OFL and that
> there are currently about 20 fonts released under the OFL published on
> the OFLB (openfontlibrary):
> http://openfontlibrary.org/media/tags/OFL

Yes, the Open Font Library will eventually (I hope) publish fonts
under any and all free software licenses, and then recommend a couple
for various common scenarios.

The "Expat" license is great for "do anything you like, I don't care
at all" people - similar to the X11, Python and revised BSD licenses.

The OFL is a great license for "design" focused people who want to
contribute to free software in a simple way and ensure their artistic
integrity is protected.

The GPLv3 with the font exception is a good license for "software
freedom" people who want to ensure that the font sources are available
for all versions. However, there isn't good FAQ style explanations for
the intricacies of this approach yet.

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