
The Committee has considered, but chosen to defer, the possibility of
protecting the design of typefaces. A “typeface” can be defined as a set of
letters, numbers, or other symbolic characters, whose forms are related by
repeating design elements consistently applied in a notational system and are
intended to be embodied in articles whose intrinsic utilitarian function is
for  use in composing text or other cognizable combinations of characters.
The  Committee does not regard the design of typeface, as thus defined, to
be a  copyrightable “pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work” within the
meaning of  this bill and the application of the dividing line in section 101.


The US Government has considered making typefaces copyrightable. (and
decided not to.)
As is currently implemented in the Material not subject to  copyright

Title 37: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

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§ 202.1   Material not subject to copyright.

The following are examples of works not subject to copyright and
applications for registration of such works cannot be entertained:

(a) Words and short phrases such as names, titles, and slogans; familiar
symbols or designs; mere variations of typographic ornamentation, lettering
or  coloring; mere listing of ingredients or contents;

(b) Ideas, plans, methods, systems, or devices, as distinguished from the
particular manner in which they are expressed or described in a writing;

(c) Blank forms, such as time cards, graph paper, account books, diaries,
bank checks, scorecards, address books, report forms, order forms and the
like,  which are designed for recording information and do not in themselves
convey  information;

(d) Works consisting entirely of information that is common property
containing no original authorship, such as, for example: Standard calendars,
height and weight charts, tape measures and rulers, schedules of sporting
events, and lists or tables taken from public documents or other common  

(e) Typeface as typeface.
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