Hi, Aaron,

I don't really know anything about genetic programming algorithms
since I've never done that kind of work.

But I guess there has to be a "fitness" criteria in there somewhere
that determines whether the offspring live to reproduce or die.  That
fitness criteria clearly needs to be based on whether people can read
the letters or not.  So maybe some kind of voting system?  More
highly-ranked ones have more chances to "mate" and produce offspring,
less highly-ranked ones die sooner with fewer offspring.  Something
like that ...

Best - Ed

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Aaron
Spaulding<professionalaa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ed Trager wrote:
>> An interesting idea, Aaron ...
>> ... but I could not identify even one letter correctly, and the
>> "offspring" were equally unidentifiable ...
> Yeah, thats the problem.  I didn't want to bias the result, but I also
> don't want it to take millions years.  I'm thinking of pre-populating
> the database, but I'm open for input.
>> Best - Ed
> --
> Aaron
> sachimp.com
> getCorkd.com

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