Nicolas Spalinger <> skribis:
> I like the way you're not hiding the origin, license and other metadata
> of the libre/open fonts you include in your catalog  (Ahem unlike others
> apparently: but they
> promised they will work on clarifying it..)

More like blog fraud, if you ask me. :) But TypeKit did make the
mistake of writing language that sounds "legal", rather than
English. (The ISC license is the only I can think of that is written
in English, and for that you have to disregard the disclaimer, which
is written in Alpha Centauran.)

TypeKit embeds my fonts, as a service to others; they should embed the
copyright string with the font, but it doesn't really matter, because
I do not require attribution when someone embeds my fonts. Some _do_
require attribution for embedding (Jos Buivenga, for one), but I'm not
sure it's TypeKit who needs to do the attributing; rather the website
using the font.

Personally, I think requiring attribution for the use of a text font
is somewhat like requiring a painter to follow the signature with a
note about what brand of paint, brushes, palettes, and easles were

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