Rich, your directness makes me laugh :D

There’s something of The Onion about all this;  “Local man thoroughly 
unimpressed by 30–40% of commercial fonts”. Didn’t they once run a story “Local 
man shuns restaurant because of bad kerning in menu”?

also, talking of keeping objective, which is the lesser font quality; a font 
that ‘sucks’? or a font that ‘stinks’? 


On 29 Oct 2013, at 09:04, wrote:

> If you think for one second that the following statement from your article 
> has anything to do with "font quality" or possesses any objectivity, or is 
> helpful to anyone in any way, you are fooling yourself:
> "I am pretty harsh about font quality. Most of the fonts I have made have 
> never shipped, because my conceptions of quality early on outstripped my 
> ability to execute at that quality level. So I will be the first to say that 
> there are plenty of commercial fonts that suck. Easily 30–40% of commercial 
> fonts leave me thoroughly unimpressed. If you look at libre fonts, and use 
> the Google Fonts collection as your baseline, maybe 65% of those fonts suck. 
> If you just look at all free fonts on dafont, maybe 95% of those fonts stink."
> Bet the statement above got a big round of applause at ATYPI!
> You can say it ain't so over and over again till you are blue in the face but 
> this is about "my shit doesn't stink but yours does".

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