On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 09:22:18AM +0200, Lubos Kosco wrote:
> On 11.6.2012 23:40, Jens Elkner wrote:
> >On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 04:41:56PM +0200, Lubos Kosco wrote:
> >>So we didn't see this bug in 0.11.1 anymore
> >>I am not sure if this was mitigated by either deleting the eftar or
> >>touching it
> >BTW: When looking at the the lucend fd leak I realized, that the leaks
> >disappear after a certain time. My rough guess is, that garbage
> >collection takes "care" of it ...
> >I'm running opengrok on S11/JDK 1.7/ZFS ...
> it could be ... but still if the close is a better way to release them 
> immediately I will push it (as per your changes)

Yes, always better, since time until gc actually happens, might be to
late ...

> fwiw I never tried opengrok in production with JDK 1.7
> opengrok 0.12 will be supporting 1.7 (since the lucene 3.6 changeset was 
> pushed, not before)

Nice :)

Have fun,
Otto-von-Guericke University     http://www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/
Department of Computer Science   Geb. 29 R 027, Universitaetsplatz 2
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