Adrian Midgley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ownership
> Is theft.[2]
> [2] Ah, but from whom?
>     (and it is a quote, not an assertion)

Proudhon (As a former anarcho-syndicalist, I knew that even without having to 
for it, but here's a link tot he primary source anyway: )

> > License for Derivation
> An essential component of the Free Software licences such as the GPL,
> and the Open Source licences.  You can alter it, with or without 
> telling
> anyone.  (If it is FLOSS you must distribute your source code
> alterations if you distribute the compiled executable, but crucially in
> FUD-busting terms you need not distribute it, and therefore need not
> distribute the alterations at all to anyone.

No, if the license is a Copyleft license, then the above applies. Are all FLOSS 
are copyleft licenses? Probably yes. But not all Copyleft licenses are FLOSS 
licenses, if you listen to Richard Stallman. Its a debatable point.

Tim C

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