Dear Jeffs,

I was already wondering ... Jeff 1 wanting to send me the archive,
Jeff 2 asking for an admin first.

The admin(s) of the old OpenHealth list do not reply since about 3-4 years,
even though it still runs for some magic reason.
To be sure, and for your approval, I ask the new list admin:

Dear Bhaskar, could you possibly send a short note to The Mail Archive,
confirming our interest in the archives of the old OpenHealth list?
I know I haven't asked you beforehand, but think it is in all our interest.


On Friday, 24. June 2005 06:39, Mail Archive Support wrote:
> Sorry Christian,
> There are two Jeff's, and we managed to both answer your message
> at the same time.
> Jeff Breidenbach

On Friday, 24. June 2005 06:36, Mail Archive Support wrote:
> Christian,
> We have the raw mail in MH format dating from June 2003.
> There's no technical problem exporting it but I'd only want
> to give the data to a list admin. Raw email has more 
> information than the published HTML, and we are careful
> with it for various reasons, including anti-spam precautions.
> Medical lists are particularly sensitive.
> Best thing - find the old list admin. Next best thing - have
> the new list admin contact us, confirm the situation and we'll 
> see what can be done from there.
> Cheers,
> Jeff
> > Dear Jeff Breidenbach,
> > 
> > I know you are responsible for mailing list archive imports,
> > but this is a query for a list export.
> > Since our openhealth mailing list has recently moved to another
> > provider, I would like to backup its old archive.
> > 
> > Could you please send me the archive, in mbox- or any other format?
> > 
> > For your information:
> > 
> > The archive lies at:
> >
> > 
> > The list was originally called:
> > and hosted by:
> > 
> > The list is now called: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > and hosted by:
> > 
> > The reason why we members/ readers/ discussants of the OpenHealth list
> > decided to move to another list, is that since about 3-4 years,
> > the original maintainers of
> > did not respond to any query anymore. This is also why I, not being
> > list administrator but "only" member, send you this email. Not knowing
> > the exact number of former members, my guess is that meanwhile, about
> > 90% of members of the former list have moved to the new one.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Christian Heller
> > 

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