CFP: ACM SAC 2006 - Computer Applications in Health Care

(Apologies if you receive multiple copies)


April 23-27, 2006, Dijon, France

Special Track on Computer Applications in Health Care or

1. SAC 2006

For the last twenty years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers from around the world. SAC 2006 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing, and is hosted this year by Bourgogne University, Dijon, France. For additional information, please visit the ACM SAC 2006 web site (

2. Special track on Computer Applications in Health Care.

Advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have provided the tools and the environment to study, analyze, and better understand complex medical problems. This technological development has enabled researchers to provide increasingly advanced services, including Computer Aided Radiology, Computer Aided Surgery, Augmented Reality, Telemedicine, Robotized Teleoperating Systems, etc.

In recent years, research in Computer Applications applied to Health Care has dramatically intensified. The Track Computer Applications in Health Care in SAC 2006 aims to provide a platform for researchers to present and discuss recent breakthroughs in this area. Major topics of interest include the following in the context of Health Care. This is not an exhaustive list:

- Programming methodologies in applications for health care including object oriented, component oriented, aspect oriented, agent oriented, genetic and evolutionary programming, fuzzy programming and hybrid paradigms.

- Artificial Intelligence in health care.

- Theoretical aspects of computer programming with a clear practical potential in applying the results to health care.

- Open Source software for Health Care.

- Computer applications for Medical Imaging (segmentation, 3D reconstruction, Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, etc.)

- Web programming and engineering involving health care applications.

- Knowledge recovery in databases, including data mining and methods such as clustering, classification, Bayesian networks and association rules.

- Computer applications for Telemedicine and Telecare applications.

- Methodologies for e-health, Telehealth and knowledge management integration in intranets and the Internet.

- Computer applications for Teleteaching of health care.

- Decision support systems, including knowledge based systems, belief networks, statistical models, fuzzy models, evolutionary programming, hybrid systems, and intelligent agents.

- Evidence-based health care including computer assisted diagnosis and prognosis, risk analysis, example-based learning, problem-based learning and case-based reasoning.

- Human-Computer Interaction including human factors, Cognitive Modeling, Problem solving strategies, Linguistic Comprehension, User interface design, Direct manipulation techniques and Virtual Reality.

- Health care information systems and Groupware, including Computerized Patient Records, survey applications in health care specialties, Decision Support Systems, Clinical Information System design architectures and Electronic document interchange and Computer-Supported Collaborative Work.

- Theoretical or practical ICT applications involving health care. Computer applications for Medical Informatics (Computer Aided Radiology, Computer Aided Surgery, ...) Any other computer application in health care.

3. Preferential Topics

Preferential topics in 2006 edition of SAC Special Track on Computer Applications in Health Care:

Authors are invited to submit original papers in all areas of experimental computing and application development relevant to the themes of the track, among which preferentially:
- Computer applications for medical imaging and Computer Aided Surgery.
- Open Source software for Health Care.
- Programming methodologies in applications for health care.
- Computer applications for Telemedicine and Telecare.
- Artificial Intelligence applied to Health Care.

Submissions fall into the following categories:
- Original and unpublished research work.
- Reports of innovative computing applications in the sciences, and engineering areas of Health Care.
- Reports of successful technology transfer to new problem domains.
- Reports of industrial experience and demos of new innovative systems.

Peer reviewers with expertise in the track focus areas will blindly review submissions to this track. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance and clarity of presentation. Accepted papers in all categories will be published in the ACM Press SAC 2005 proceedings.  Expanded versions of selected papers from all categories will be considered for publication in the ACM/SIGAPP Applied Computing Review (SIGAPP ACR). In addition, the possibility of organizing special issues in journals related to the themes of the track is examined. These Special Issues will include a collection of the best papers accepted in the track.

A set of selected papers, which did not get accepted as full papers, will be accepted as poster papers and will be published as extended 2-page abstracts in the symposium proceedings.

Please note that we are not soliciting for just poster papers. We will select the poster papers from the submitted pool of reviewed, regular papers.

Paper submissions should be sent to the Track Chairs in PDF format.

Papers spanning more than one SAC track should be submitted to one track only.

4. Guidelines for paper submission

The following paper submission guidelines must be strictly followed:

a) An abstract must be submitted on the following web page:   by Saturday. September 3 2005. This will allow the chairs to select appropriate reviewers for your paper and give you one more week to finish your paper.  A confirmation email with further instructions on paper submission will be sent to the contact author. Please contact track chairs or Jeff Allen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for any problems with submission.

b) Submit the full paper in PDF format to both track chairs ([EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]) by Friday September 9 2005 (firm).

(Hardcopy, fax or submissions will not be considered).

c) The submission e-mail subject should read Submission to SAC'06-COMPAHEC. The body should include:

i) the title of the paper,

ii) a maximum of five keywords selected among the topics of interest of the track,

iii) the name, affiliation, address, email, phone, and fax of the author who will serve as CONTACT PERSON for the paper.

d) A separate file containing a cover sheet should include the title of the paper, a maximum of five keywords selected among the topics of interest of the track, the name(s), affiliation(s), and address(es), email(s), phone(s) and fax(es) of the author(s). Please send it to the track chairs.

e) The name(s) and address(es) of the author(s) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-references should be made in the third person in order to facilitate blind review.

f) The body of the paper (in PDF format) should not exceed 4,000 words (approximately 15 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font size). In order to give you as much information as possible for you to prepare your paper, keep in mind that up to last year, the camera-ready version without extra page fee was to be 5 pages long, in sig-alternate.cls format.  A maximum of 8 pages was allowed for an additional page charge specified on the web site. The same should apply for this year although nothing is specified yet.

g) At least one of the authors of an accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper.

5. Important dates

Electronic submission of papers: September 3, 2005
Notification of paper acceptance: October 15, 2005
Camera-ready copy of accepted paper due: November 5, 2005

Valentin Masero and Pierre Collet, Track Chairs.
ACM SAC 2006 - Computer Applications in Health Care Track.

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