Looks like there will be strong representations from the US universities. Based on the "Sharing the Future" Joint Initiative of UNDP Pavilion activiies, MIT and Harvard are presenting with briefing sessions on the MIT100$ laptop and workshop on Roadmap for Open ICT Ecosystems. Which activities are you participating in, Mary? I'm also looking closely at the scheduling of the different activities to choose an appropriate day and time to meet. Any suggestions from those who will be in Tunis? My suggestion is perhaps on the 16th (time to be decided later?) when we have sort of settled a bit? There is a common facility at the Pavilion (1307.1) called *"Coffee Point: *Providing a meeting point for the participants and visitors and an opportunity for exploring new encounters" which sounds ideal :)

I've been booked into the Hotel Khereddine Pacha, 2-4 Khereddine Pacha Avenue, Tunis, Tel +216 71 788 211.

See you there Mary. Anyone else going to be there?

Mary Kratz wrote:

Hi Molly!

I'll be in TUNIS and would love to see OSHCA get together!  Will look for you 
at the exhibit sited below.


----- Original Message -----
From: Molly Cheah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2005 3:48 am
Subject: WSIS Tunis


It's almost 2 years since we last annnouced on this list about meeting up of those who were attending WSIS Geneva Phase. I will be attending the WSIS Tunis Phase from 13th November till 20th November. I am wondering if anyone else from this list is going to be there so that we can meet?

This year appears to have more parallel activities on discussing open source. Health MDGs also feature strongly. In order to achieve the targets of the MDGs, we needeffective tools and I wonder if this summit can provide the opportune timing to discuss the ?revival of OSHCA. We need an open source healthcare platform to move the MDGs' agenda.

Since last week, I had discussed with Brian Bray the transfer of OSHCA.org to OSHCA if we agree to start the process of reviving OSHCA and he has agreed to this.

I haven't scheduled a definitive date and time for this meeting and I would be happy to take the lead to organise this and carry it forward, if there is support for the idea. My posting this is to gauge the response to this idea. You can also e-mail me privately. I will be contactable at the "Sharing the Future" Pavilion No: 1307.1


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