I think we should have some time of interoperability testbed for open 
source systems with each other and with other
non-open source systems.  Interoperability and open source can be quite 
orthogonal.   Certainly all systems
need to today to indicate their level of "interoperability" and how that 
is established and how it is verified.   I think
there is little understanding in the user community of interoperability 
and what the long term risk of a particular
"solution" is be it open source or closed-source.   Active participation 
by open source vendors in the standards
efforts is critical and documentation of the "risks" associated with 
adopting any particular solution.


Joseph Dal Molin wrote:
> An excellent summary Thomas! The following point really strikes a chord,
> especially as the VistA-Office EHR team is about to begin to work to
> meet the ONCHIT EHR certification criteria:
> > , it is definitely not a given that OS efforts will
> > do any better at exploiting it than commercial ones.
> What would you suggest we, the community as whole, do in practical terms
> to ensure that we exlpoit the power of interoperability? So far most if
> not all of the "projects" have been working in relative
> isolation....mostly I'm sure because of time and energy constraints than
> anything else....do we need a sort of IHE effort/wdemonstration for open
> source solutions?
> Joseph
> Thomas Beale wrote:
> > I think (and I may be wrong) that OS as a theme in and of itself is not
> > that interesting; the point is: how does the OS approach in health
> > improve things? Positive consequences that spring to mind:
> >
> >     * OS software it is potentially a better means of achieving
> >       interoperability, since open source developments are more like
> >       than closed ones to want to reuse rather than reinvent due to more
> >       limited resources (however, the evidence is that all modes of
> >       software development are trapped largely in reinvention mode)
> >     * OS software is accordingly more likely to be a better vector for
> >       standards, since there is not the commercial motivation to lock in
> >       customers (but how do we know there isn't another kind of
> >       motivation in the OS area to do the same thing - based e.g. on 
> pride?)
> >     * OS software is more likely to be componentised, and delivered in
> >       components, due to more limited resources and the inability to
> >       financially sustain gigantic new build efforts.
> >     * It should be cheaper to own and run
> >     * It might even be more innovative, due to the need to find smart
> >       solutions that work on cheap technology. I have no evidence at all
> >       for this, but it could well be true for the sectors of the market
> >       that are not pursued by big companies (e.g. small systems for
> >       developing countries).
> >     * being a vector of systemic change - i..e not just serving
> >       individual customers but offering alternatives for widespread
> >       change across entire sectors of health. This is also related to
> >       not locking in users.
> >
> > All obvious? I don't think it is. I think these are all potentials, and
> > I think that OS development efforts owe it to themselves and the
> > community they aspire to serve to be more interested in
> > interoperability, (good) standards, and thinking in terms of attractive
> > long-term options for users. I think we all run the risk of being just
> > as inward-looking and non-customer focussed as any commercial
> > development effort. The record of commercial products for
> > interoperability and lock-in has been mostly poor, so the opportunity is
> > there, but in my mind, it is definitely not a given that OS efforts will
> > do any better at exploiting it than commercial ones.
> >
> > These are the kinds of themes I would find more interesting in a
> > conference or other forum; not endless debates about free/libre,
> > licenses or other details. In other words the interest in OS must be
> > about better outcomes.
> >
> > - thomas beale
> >
> >
> > Tim.Churches wrote:
> >  > Forwarded message from Peter Murray.
> >  >
> >  > -------- Original Message --------
> >  > Subject: Re: OS at MedInfo 2007
> >  > Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 09:54:15 +0000
> >  > From: Peter Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  > To: Tim.Churches <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  >
> >  > Hi, Tim -
> >  >
> >  > good question on OS activities at medinfo2007. (Could you copy the
> >  > substance of this reply to the openhealth list, as I am not on it -
> >  > thought I was going to be added after the AMIA OSWG meeting in 
> November,
> >  > but does not seem to have happened yet - I will copy this to AMIA 
> >  > list).
> >  >
> >  > I think we should aim for something substantial at medinfo2007 in the
> >  > free/libre open source area - we can at least get an IMIA OSWG 
> activity
> >  > of some kind, which we can open to any medinfo2007 attendees, but it
> >  > might be useful to see if we can get enough momentum and interest to
> >  > maybe have a full day or so 'in conjunction with medinfo2007' or 
> similar
> >  > phrasing for as many groups and individuals as are interested.
> >  >
> >  > I have to confess that the IMIA OSWG has not been as active in
> >  > organising events and things as I had hoped we might be - for various
> >  > reasons, but when I did try and pull together a 'critical mass' of
> >  > things for MIE2005, I did not get much response from people.
> >  >
> >  > I will be seeing Joan Edgcumbe from HISA here at our UK health
> >  > informatics event over the next few days - if I get the chance, I 
> will
> >  > sound out with her possibilities and processes.
> >  >
> >  > So - I am all for trying to get something together - we need, at a
> >  > minimun, to encourage FLOSS submissions (papers, panels, tutorials,
> >  > workshops, etc) as part of the normal processes of papers etc for a
> >  > scientific event; that way, we may be able to get a clearly 
> identifiable
> >  > track/stream. We should be able to get some. I am keen to try and do
> >  > more than this as well.
> >  >
> >  > Let's see what interest we can generate by getting a message out 
> to the
> >  > various OS/FLOSS group lists and then see where we can take 
> things - we
> >  > will probably need a 'loose coalition' of people to push things among
> >  > the various groups.
> >  >
> >  > Cheers, Peter Murray
> >  > Chair, IMIA OSWG
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> > --
> > 
> ___________________________________________________________________________________
> > CTO Ocean Informatics (http://www.OceanInformatics.biz) 
> <http://www.OceanInformatics.biz%29>
> > Research Fellow, University College London 
> (http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk) <http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk%29>
> > Chair Architectural Review Board, openEHR (http://www.openEHR.org) 
> <http://www.openEHR.org%29>
> >
> >
> >
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