I think it will take along time before the value of OSCHA approaches the
value of the openhealth list. As long as the lurkers are the right people,
they can be very valuable. OpenHealth has been key to the formation of
relationships that are actually producing code. My relationship with Will
Ross is a good example of this. Will has already done more for FOSS
medicine, than just about anyone I know (Of course he competes with other
members of the list in that regard). He manages several successful projects
in real world environs. Will is a "do"er, and like many other "do"ers on the
list, only rarely enters debates. In any case, be sure NOT to simply
discount what he says as irrelevant interferance. As a "do"er Will is an
example of exactly the sort of people who can make your organization

If you feel that it would be wiser to move fast than to further debate,
fine, do so. But I would take care to make certain that Ross was included as
a dissenting founding member. (If he still wants that)

I for one, simply cannot afford to invest much in an organization that is
not tangibly moving FOSS forward. Its not that I do not believe in the OSCHA
vision, rather that I just spend a little too much time on the bleeding edge
as it is. Once you have a meeting that I can attend, with people who are
worth meeting attending.. I will be there!!!

Fred Trotter
SynSeer, Consultant

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