In the US  (and UK) SNOMED-CT is freely available.    Do folks use the
ICPC-2 spec?  If so what do you all think of it?

Nandalal Gunaratne wrote:
> "Alvin B. Marcelo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are quite right. Interoperability depends in turn on the agreement
> on standards. Coding systems included.
> Unfortunately the best nomenclature coding system is SNOMED-CT which
> is a proprietary product. But I am sure the new versions of the ICD
> system will improve if they are widely used.
> Can our group agree on such standards?
> Nanda Gunaratne
> However, my question to the group is: can there actually be
> interoperability
> without agreement on coding systems? And if we accept the fact that
> yes we need to share coding
> systems, what coding systems should these be and why. I believe this
> is an area where openhealth
> can greatly contribute by laying down these 'open' standards upon
> which future interoperabilty can
> be made more possible.
> alvin

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