Tim Cook wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> ivhalpc wrote:
> >
> > I wonder how this is all going to end and I fear it will end badly as
> > in Nationalized medicine in the US
> Would that truly be a bad thing?  I'm not sure how a transition would
> work but answer these questions:
The transition is already underway with Medicare and Medicaid, both of which
are about to go bankrupt in the US.
> 1) What western country spends the largest portion (by a wide margin) of
> GDP on healthcare?
This, by itself, doesn't mean that healthcare in the US is bad.  It
might mean the opposite.
> 2) What western country has the largest percentage of citizens without
> healthcare?
Do you have any idea what the percentage of citizens in the US is
without healthcare
coverage?   The main stream media  and some politicos grossly
misrepresent this
number.  The fact is that healthcare for those that need it in the US
can't be denied.
The type of coverage isn't the same for everyone, but essentially
everyone has coverage
of some sort.  People may not have signed up for it, but, in fact, may
have coverage.
Take a look at the sign in every ER room in America, e.g.


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