On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 09:50:39PM +0000, Adrian Midgley wrote:

> Picking out the prescriptions we anticipate being asked for next week is
> potentially useful. 

> First separating out those which are down to one repeat, or to none and
> not yet reauthorised tends to reduce the pressure to handle them.
Sounds useful.

> While doing that, we can do some automated looking up, so that a
> hypotensive intended for blood pressure treatment triggers retrieval of
> the last BP, any relevant blood tests and questions that should have
> their answers confirmed.  If those are all in range and in time, the
> prescription is best reauthorised.
> If not, now is a good time to ask them to arrange to meet rather than
> ask for a repeat.
All very useful but also requires consideration for various
bits of near-"expert system" support during database design.

> I have assorted bits of SQL and nested If statements, but in principle
> this could be done with system independent code or at least pseudocode.
> Do our various evolving systems have the generic capacity to do this,
> cleverly?
GNUmed humbly denies having that ability. But we are
certainly interested in (linking to?) to your "assorted bits
of SQL". We could host a page on our Wiki to make things
more widely available which you might edit if that is useful
to you.

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