Look for more information on VistA at http://worldvista.org & 
http://hardhats.org and downloads at.http://sourceforge.net/projects/worldvista

The VivitAs are ISO images ready to *boot* & run on a PC with a 512MB or larger 
USB drive.  The SemiVivA distributions are ready to load onto a PC that already 
has Linux loaded on it.  For instructions, look at the news releases at 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/worldvista and for help look over archived 
messages and join the hardhats list at http://groups.google.com/group/hardhats

-- Bhaskar

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

----- Original Message -----
From: openhealth@yahoogroups.com <openhealth@yahoogroups.com>
To: openhealth@yahoogroups.com <openhealth@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sat Dec 09 01:06:12 2006
Subject: Re: [openhealth] Open Source (and available for download) CPOE system?

What about VISTA/CPRS? try windows demo at http://www1.va.gov/cprsdemo/. The
VistA system is public domain software, available through the Freedom of
Information act on the VA website. Not sure if there are any others out
there that are freely available..


Dr Jubal John,
MBChB, PGDipBus (Health Informatics)

On 12/9/06, szegedportland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hello Group,
> I will need open source and readily downloadable (with registration or
> without) CPOE system for academic research purposes.
> I would appreciate if you can point me to a download link or a contact
> person's email. For this project the type of OSS license is not really
> important but the code should be available for free (and legal)
> customization (particularly the user interface). It will be an
> academic research project.
> Thank you for your help in advance!
> Imre Solti, MD, PhD

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