K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
> Before you read further: this is an experimental package, definitely not 
> ready for prime time.  Please play with it only to help get it working 
> properly.
> FOIA VistA 20060923 Audita is a packaging of FOIA VistA SemiVivA 
> 20060923 with Oralux 0.7 alpha (see http://oralux.org and 
> http://lists.freearchive.org/pipermail/oralux/2006-May/001137.html) 
> which in turn is a remastering of the Knoppix 4.02 Linux live CD 
> (http://knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html).
> Oralux 0.7 boots up Linux that supposedly speaks the listener's choice 
> of six languages - Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, German, 
> Russian, Spanish.  I used the emacspeak interface with English for my 
> testing.
> Oralux boots into an emacs session with emacspeak, and an emacs tutorial 
> is available from that emacs session. To get a shell inside an emacs 
> buffer, type Alt-X s h e l l ENTER or ESC x s h e l l ENTER.  Commands 
> are typed at the shell.  I recommend changing the default directory of 
> the shell to /home/knoppix by executing the command "cd ~".
> The use of FOIA VistA 20060923 Audita is basically the same as any VistA 
> live CD, and requires a read-write file system to be mounted for the 
> database.  Everything else runs off the CD ROM or of a RAM file system.
> The read-write file system for the database can be a Linux file system 
> (e.g., ext3, jfs) or a Windows FAT file system, but not a Windows NTFS 
> file system.  The file /etc/fstab (type "cat /etc/fstab" in a shell in 
> emacs to list it; it can also be brought into an edit buffer) will give 
> a list of partitions that Knoppix detected on boot-up.  A USB flash 
> drive will have an entry in /etc/fstab such as "/dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 vfat 
> noauto,users,exec 0 0" and a Linux file system on hard drive will have 
> an entry such as "/dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0".
> Mount the read-write storage with a command such as "mount /mnt/sda1" 
> and create a directory within it called myVistA with a command such as 
> "mkdir /mnt/sda1/myVistA".  Link to it from the knoppix home directory 
> with a command such as "ln -s /mnt/sda1/myVistA /home/knoppix/".
> I have not reworked the "vista" script to avoid the use of Xdialog, 
> which is not included in Oralux.  So, for now, please use the following 
> commands to create the initial database (this assumes that you have 
> changed directory to /home/knoppix and that myVistA is a symbolic link 
> to the directory with read/write storage, e.g., /mnt/sda1/myVistA:
> 1. Create the directory structure: mkdir -p myVistA/{p,r,tmp} 
> myVistA/gtm_V5.1-000/{g,o,p,r}
> 2. Install the database: gzip -d 
> </usr/local/FOIAVistA20060923/g/mumps.dat.gz 
>  >myVistA/gtm_V5.1-000/g/mumps.dat
> To run VistA, first set the appropriate terminal type for use inside an 
> emacs buffer: export TERM=Eterm
> Then execute VistA: /usr/local/FOIAVistA/vista --run ~/myVistA
> You will probably need to set the terminal type inside VistA to be a 
> dumb terminal.
> Known annoyance: you must explicitly set $ZROUtines once inside GT.M 
> (one long line here - watch for breaks caused by mailers): set 
> $ZRO="/home/knoppix/myVistA/gtm_V5.1-000/o(/home/knoppix/myVistA/gtm_V5.1-000/p
> /home/knoppix/myVistA/gtm_V5.1-000/r /home/knoppix/myVistA/p 
> /home/knoppix/myVistA/r) 
> /usr/local/FOIAVistA20060923/gtm_V5.1-000/o(/usr/local/FOIAVistA20060923/gtm_V5.1-000/p
> /usr/local/FOIAVistA20060923/gtm_V5.1-000/r 
> /usr/local/FOIAVistA20060923/p /usr/local/FOIAVistA20060923/r)"
> I don't know why the environment doesn't get properly passed in.
> Once you are at the GTM> prompt and have set $ZROutines, commands such 
> as "s DUZ=1 d Q^DI" appear to work.  Also, a direct connect server for 
> CPRS GUI connections is enabled at port 9297.  You will of course have 
> to start the Taskman background processes, but you don't need the 
> call-back broker.
> Oh, yes, in case I forgot to mention earlier: this is an experimental 
> package not ready for prime time.  Please send comments to me (as well 
> as fixes if you figure them out).  Thank you for your help in making 
> VistA more accessible.
> -- Bhaskar

Hi K.S. Bhasker,
I couldn't help wondering, having read the above, why you need to create 
a database in the manner you describe?
IIRC the commands you mention such as "mount /mnt/sda1" relate to 
earlier Knoppix versions than 4.02. The /mnt directory is mostly empty 
in recent Knoppix versions and a USB flash drive will appear under the 
/media directory.
Knoppix moved to the UnionFS system when version 3.8 was introduced.
"UnionFS transparently mounts a portion of the systems's RAM (/ramdisk) 
on top of / (root of the knoppix CD filesystem). This enables the user 
to do things that were practically impossible such as using apt-get to 
update the apt DB and install software. And note that apt-get stores the 
downloaded .deb archive files in /var/cache/apt/archive."
I haven't used Knoppix for a while, so I might be mistaken. Best of luck 
with your project.
Mark Preston

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