See for more 
information.  Please note that this is bundled with GT.M V5.2-000, which 
requires a 686 (Pentium Pro) or better CPU.  Also, the GT.M release has 
not yet hit the Internet, but will very shortly.  It adds support for 
Unicode, but this does not affect VistA, which does not use Unicode.

If you don't have a 686 or better CPU, FOIA VistA 20061231 will run 
quite well with GT.M V5.1-000.  Let me know if you want me to post 
instructions on how you can do this, or if you need instructions on 
upgrading an existing VistA to GT.M V5.2-000.

Over time, I will put out VivitA, Audita, and Toaster releases of the 
December 31, 2006 FOIA VistA.  Please send e-mail if you want one or 
another first.

-- Bhaskar

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