--- In openhealth@yahoogroups.com, Tim Churches <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul wrote:
> > We would love to hear from folks, in particular who have the following
> > skill sets:
> > 
> > 1)  database performance optimization
> > 2)  OLAP / reporting database design
> > 3)  Hibernate ORM
> With respect to 2), you might be interested in NetEpi Analysis. be
> warned, we haven't worked on it for over 12 months, so its dependencies
> are all a bit old and thus it is tricky to install, but we hope to get
> back to it very shortly and make it easier to install. It doesn't do
> everything you need, but it does do OLAP sort of things, but without the
> restrictions of OLAP.
> There'll be a an online and offline/downloadable "screencast" demo of
> NetEpi Analysis available in March I'm working on the script for it now)
> - I'll announce it on this list.

We'll definitely take a look at this.  Thanks for the tip.  One of the
technical deficiencies of our team is in the OLAP/reporting space. 
Our long term vision at this point is to have a repository that's
optimized for incoming data/HL7 and for clinical care purposes
(optimized for patient-level queries), and another repository which
shadows the primary for reporting/analysis purposes (higher
abstraction-level queries by encounter, location, population, program,
etc.)  So far, we've been able to get away with doing both from a
single repository as reporting, data analyses can be done as
non-mission critical tasks in low clinical utilization time periods. 
I don't believe this will be sustainable over the long run however. 
For example, our collaborators at PIH have just informed us that their
OpenMRS instantiation is going "country-wide", and these queries will
certainly take dedicated horsepower which will likely be continuous.

> > Additionally, new Java programmers are always welcome to join us.
> Sorry, we prefer Python, and only use Java if absolutely forced.
> Speaking of Python, you might be interested in the GNUmed project, which
> also targets primary care settings, and the GNUmed people are very
> interested in all sorts of architectural and design issues. GNUmed uses
> a cross-platform GUI (wxWindows), rather than a Web interface, though.
> But the design issues are similar.

Hey, Python is good stuff.  Whatever gets the job done is OK with me.
:)  Messaging allows one the opportunity for something like NetEpi to
play nicely with OpenMRS.


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